Monday, January 28, 2008

What kind of heart disease could possibly infected a woman at the age of 20

What kind of heart disease could possibly infected a woman at the age of 20?
I am currently writing a fiction and decided i need an actual medical explanation for the story. But i can't seem to find the information with classified causes and risks. Can you help me? It will be so much helping if you can give me some links to the information sources. What kind of heart disease could possibly infected a young woman at the age of 20 with no significant health record and family with the history of heart disease or heart problem? Thank you.
Heart Diseases - 4 Answers
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Congenital heart disease such as Aortic stenosis, ASD, VSD, Bicuspid Aortic valve ect. they can be found later in life like your 20s. And also to develop aortic stenosis at 20 she could have had a bout with rheumatic fever as a child, or could have been born with a bicuspid aortic valve and it had progressed to aortic stenosis. Good luck
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Most heart disease is completely preventable through lifestyle changes such as a vegan diet and aerobic exercise. There are some cases that are genetic in origin, but those are very rare.
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A hole in the heart (atrial septal defect/ ventricular septal defect) often detected during the early twenties in some women. The heart defect remains unnoticed till that time.
4 :
Bacterial (infective) endocarditis. Note people with a defect that might not have been detected before are more prone to endocarditis... Bacterial endocarditis is an infection of either the heart valves or of the inner surface, called the endocardium, of the heart. The bacteria have to get into the bloodstream first. Most healthy hearts will not succumb to infection Once infection occurs, the bacteria continue to grow and may seriously damage the heart. Normal valves can be infected by some aggressive bacteria, especially if many bacteria are present. Risk factor Recreational drug abuse - intravenous drug use Prolonged intravenous use (? in a 3rd world country

Thursday, January 24, 2008

What kind of heart disease can stress/depression give you

What kind of heart disease can stress/depression give you?
There are different types of heart disease. Which ones do emotional stress and/or depression contribute to? What can stress/depression do to your heart?? Thanks.
Heart Diseases - 3 Answers
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Stress can raise blood pressure and damage arteries, starting sites where blockages may develop. Depression slows your immune system, making it easier to be sick, harder for your body to heal itself.
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stress can lead to hbp if untreated , could cause chf.
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Significant stress can lead to stress induced cardiomyopathy, also known as broken heart syndrome or takotsubo cardiomyopathy. This is a very rare condition in which there is temporary dysfunction of the heart after a very stressful event, such as the death of a loved one. Most cases will resolve with time, but it can potentially be fatal. Less severe stress is not known to lead to any heart condition. Stress can also temporarily elevate the blood pressure, but it does not cause a persistently high blood pressure. Depression also is not known to cause a heart condition, but it is associated with worse outcomes in people who have had heart attacks. This is most likely due to decreased compliance to treatment and therefore worse outcomes

Sunday, January 20, 2008

How to lower your risk of heart disease

How to lower your risk of heart disease?
What can cause heart disease or high blood pressure and how can you lower your risk of heart disease? What are the symptom of heart disease is pericarditis or aortic dissection it.
Heart Diseases - 2 Answers
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Hi I work for a health video website called Below are the links to 2 videos on our site. The first video gives the signs and symptoms of heart disease and the second video talks about preventative measures you can take to lower your risk for heart disease: Hope this helps!~
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Lifestyle changes are very important. Your doctor may tell you to: * Avoid or reduce the amount of salt (sodium) you eat * Eat a heart healthy diet -- one that is low in saturated fats, cholesterol, and trans fat * Get regular exercise and maintain a healthy weight * Keep your blood sugar strictly under control if you have diabetes * Stop smoking Pericarditis is a condition in which the sac-like covering around the heart (pericardium) becomes inflamed. The condition can occur in the days or weeks following a heart attack. Bacterial pericarditis is irritation and swelling of the sac that surrounds the heart (pericardium), due to infection by bacteria. Constrictive pericarditis is long-term (chronic) inflammation of the sac-like covering of the heart (the pericardium) with thickening, scarring, and muscle tightening (contracture). Symptoms of pericarditis:- * Ankle, feet and leg swelling (occasionally) * Anxiety * Breathing difficulty when lying down * Chest pain, caused by the inflamed pericardium rubbing against the heart # May radiate to the neck, shoulder, back or abdomen # Often increases with deep breathing and lying flat, and may increase with coughing and swallowing # Pleuritis type: a sharp, stabbing pain # Usually relieved by sitting up and leaning forward * Dry cough * Fatigue * Fever * Need to bend over or hold the chest while breathing Aortic dissection is a potentially life-threatening condition in which there is bleeding into and along the wall of the aorta, the major artery leaving the heart. Symptoms of aortic dissection: The symptoms usually begin suddenly, and include severe chest pain. The pain may: * Be described as sharp, stabbing, tearing, or ripping * Be felt below the chest bone, then moves under the shoulder blades or to the back * Move to shoulder, neck, arm, jaw, abdomen, or hips * Change position -- pain typically moves to the arms and legs as the aortic dissection gets worse Other symptoms may include: * Changes in thought ability, confusion, disorientation * Decreased movement, any part of the body * Decreased sensation, any part of the body * Dizziness * Dry mouth * Dry skin * Fainting * Intense anxiety, anguish * Nausea and vomiting * Pallor * Profuse sweating (clammy skin) * Rapid, weak pulse * Shortness of breath -- difficulty breathing when lying flat (orthopnea) * Thirst

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What are some important facts about heart disease

What are some important facts about heart disease?
For LO i have to do a poster saying the dangers of heart disease! Dose anyone know the causes and the effects of heart disease? Any important facts!
Heart Diseases - 1 Answers
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The cause of heart disease are many, search heart disease risk factors, and you will find some are controllable (diet, body weight) while others are not (genetics) . Physiologically heart disease is the chronic narrowing of blood vessels due to hardening and/or thickening/and or inflammation of blood vessel walls, causing the heart to work harder

Saturday, January 12, 2008

heart Disease

heart Disease?
What is the life expectancy of someone with heart disease?
Heart Diseases - 3 Answers
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thats too vague,depends on what it is, how advanced, how its cared for, the general health of the person ... every detail makes a difference.
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It is very difficult to reply your questions without your giving full details. There are many types of heart diseases. It could turn out as a killer if not attended. A heart patient may live for even 20 to 30 years provided he takes the opinions of the doctor and have regular check ups and medication. i myself a heart patient underwent CABG surgery of 3 vessels in 1990 and have my check ups once in 6 months atleast and have medicine since then. I am very active and OK now. If you have any particular problem please mail me all the details through Yahoo and I will try to guide you. Do not worry unnecessarily. Best of luck-
3 :
Depends on the overall health, age and condition of the person and how bad the heart disease is. Often, talking with your doctor they can give advice or prescribe medication that can help. Finding out the problem early in life is the best way to prevent other future health problems and finding out early helps you adjust your life to deal with this potentially deadly problem

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Heart Disease

Heart Disease?
I am doing a project for health at school on heart disease and I am wondering what problems heart disease can lead to.
Heart Diseases - 2 Answers
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breathlessness decreased exercise tolerance palpitations( awareness of heart beat) chest pain stroke( heart disease can precipitate )
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Hi! My son has a Congenital Heart disease. If you want help with your study please e-mail me

Friday, January 4, 2008

heart disease

heart disease?
its a kinda of heart disease that sometimes causes irregular heart beat and has some air in the heart???? what is the name of that disease again?
Heart Diseases - 3 Answers
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you could be talking about a heart murmur.-- That causes irregular heart beat, not sure about air in the heart. never heard of that before.
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Atrial fibrillation is an irregular heart beat. There is no "air" ever in your heart. The red blood cells carry the oxygen. Your lungs are not hooked into your circulatory system so there is no way free air can get into your bloodstream.
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Arrhythmias are disorders of the heart's regular rhythmic beating. If the condition is bad a patient usually needs a defibrillator or a pacemaker depending on the problem. Recently though there have been a lot of problems with defibrillators and pacemakers, Medtronic and Guidant recalled thousands of defective defibrillators a few years ago. Recently Medtronic recalled defibrillator leads, which connect a defibrillator or pacemaker to the heart

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Heart disease

Heart disease?
I am 22 years old and I just find out that I have heart disease. What kind of diet should I go on and what kind of food should I eat? * I meant found and not find... above.
Heart Diseases - 3 Answers
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I dont know but my guess is stay away from fatty foods buy things like cheese and yoghurt's (lite) but still try and cut down and eat more fruits and vegetables and do daily exercises and keep your body weight down, and dont smoke.... All the best... Here is a link that has some good information on what you should eat to prevent heart disease but i think is helpful for people who have it...
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low salt diet
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id suggest you to visit follow the food pyramid. This website also has options for each individual. Basically you enter all you info and they come up with a food plan for you