Sunday, November 28, 2010

How do these prevent heart disease

How do these prevent heart disease?
Explain how the each of the following lifestyle choices helps prevent heart disease. 1. Not smoking 2. controlling waist size 3. managing stress well 4. exercising
Heart Diseases - 1 Answers
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1 :
Smoking puts nicotine in your arteries and keeps building up and gets in the bloodstream so you don't have nice clean blood to circulate and the nicotine also reduces the oxygen your heart needs. Controlling waist size- extra pounds puts extra work on the heart and BP. BP can rise because of extra weight which makes the heart work harder. Stress puts extra work on the heart as well. Controlling stress keeps the heart relaxed and not always revved up because of the BP stress raises. Exercising keeps the heart pumping like it should, keeps stress under control and keeps your weight down so the heart doesn't have to work harder causing a heart attack

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

If it were proven that soda causes heart disease, would you ban your kids from drinking it

If it were proven that soda causes heart disease, would you ban your kids from drinking it?
Studies have come out that suggest a possible link between soda and heart disease. If it were conclusively proven that soda causes heart disease, would you forbid your kids to drink it?
Parenting - 13 Answers
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1 :
i wouldn't let them drink it regardless, too much sugar and caffeine.
2 :
It already causes enough bad stuff like tooth decay and obesity that I don't need any further studies. My frig never contained soda when my kids were growing up.
3 :
These days everything causes something.......i say we only live once so why not enjoy to the max.
4 :
I don't let my daughter drink soda anyways. Anybody that does is crazy.
5 :
Yeah. Theres plenty of juices out there that theyll get use to. No big deal.
6 :
I already forbid my kids to drink it, lol. I think that would just add to the list of why I don't allow him to have it. Food is suppose to nurish your body, not make you happy. Soda is just a whole bunch of stuff that is bad for you, esspecially high fructose corn syrup. I don't serve my child anything that has high fructose corn syrup in it. Soda also is bad for your kidneys, it is empty calories. 100% juice is better because it gives your child a serving of fruit for the day. I don't want my son to have the health problems that go along with being obese. I also don't want my kids addicted to caffiene. I think the reason the people who drink soda have heart disease is because they are overweight. So, I guess the answer to your question is yes I would forbid them to drink it, and I already do.
7 :
Absolutely, if there were conclusive, well researched and peer reviewed studies that showed heart disease linked directly to soda, I'd yank it in a new york minute. But, so far I don't think that's the case, but the soda I buy for my kids and for their friends, is made with sugar, and not corn syrup. corn syrup has been shown to cause inflammation, and that can be in different parts of the body, and I suppose the heart as well. It's not easy to find it with sugar, but some brands do not put corn syrup, or high fructose corn syrup in it.
8 :
Well when i have kids I am not going to allow them to drink pop until high school anyways...its bad for there teeth, its surgary, it dehydrates you. which effects everything..i have kidney problems so i can't do that. So you know what it doesn't matter its gonna be off limits not stuoid i realize that my kids will have one at a friends house or at a party but that doesn;t mean i have to encourage it or give it to them.
9 :
proved that is caused heart disease? or proved that it was a factor is causing heart disease? those are too different things. kinda like saying holding a loaded gun to your head and pulling the trigger causes death compared to saying that going hunting during deer season may result in an accidently GSW. If they proved that drinking soda directly led to heart disease I would say no way no more. do not pass go do not collect $200.00 But they will never be able to prove that. But they already know that soda is a contributing factor to childhood obesity and I still let my kids drink it. Everything in moderation. Anything in excess can be harmful to you. )Yes even health foods if you don't eat a balanced diet)
10 :
this is like those junk science studies in the 80's. OMG so an so food causes cancer! (if you eat 80 pounds of it a day). moderation is the key. I defy you to prove that one soda a day has any health effects at all. on the same token it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out that 10 sodas a day will have consequences.
11 :
hell ya i wouldnt let my kids drink soda and gwt heart disease
12 :
yes, but my daughter won't be given any soda ever, juices, milk, and water are just fine for her.
13 :
Easily. We don't keep soda in the house now - it's a rare treat as it is

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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Will nanotechnology solve heart disease before I die from eating pizza rolls every meal

Will nanotechnology solve heart disease before I die from eating pizza rolls every meal?
I'm 28, have a decent health record and I have a diet that consists of Pizza Rolls, Spaghetti-Os, Soda, Milk and Corn Dogs. I exercise regularly and at this rate, I think that I have until age 50 until a heart attack. I'm looking for a status on Nanotechnology, Cybernetics, or Biomechanics to manufacture me a new heart in the next 22 years.
Diet & Fitness - 1 Answers
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1 :
What an excellent question. With your current diet, you have absolutely no risk of heart disease, or, in fact, any disease at all. You can forget about nanotechnology - you won't need it

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Are heart palpitations a sign of heart disease

Are heart palpitations a sign of heart disease?
on and off i get these conscious heart beats where i can feel it beat and i can almost feel the blood leaving my heart. these palpitations occur every 20 or 30 seconds. this happens for around an hour and then stop for a while. it usually starts after i eat, or late at night before i go to sleep. they dont hurt, they just feel weird and anoying.
Heart Diseases - 4 Answers
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1 :
This is the sort of question you need to talk to a health care professional about. Your current doctor will have a lot of information about your past health that we simple do not have access to. I don't know about you but for me it only costs 15$ to go see my doctor and I would trust 100% what they say compared to some rubbish you ask a nerd on the internet. Not dis'ing nerds by the way, I am in fact one of them and proud to be.
2 :
Heart palpitations can be caused due to various causes. Disturbed heart rhythm, or arrhythmia, occurs when the heart's natural pacemaker develops an abnormal rate or rhythm, the normal blood flow is blocked or another part of the heart takes over as pacemaker. You should take ECG at the time when the heart palpitations occur. Otherwise, you have to undergo 24 hour Holter monitoring test.
3 :
They can be sometimes. Best thing is to get a doctor to run some tests if it bothers you. I get these too, they feel like fluttering in my throat or extra heart beats. I usually only get them when i'm stressed, had caffeine, worked too much and little sleep. They are really annoying and if i had the money i'd probably go to the doctor too, but for me at least it seems to have a pattern as to why i get them.
4 :
Not normally, most everyone has them at one point or other. They are usually caused from stress, too much caffeine or even smoking. It feels like a missed beat or an extra beat and can be annoying but not dangerous. Cut back on caffeine, reduce your stress and it should stop

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Friday, November 12, 2010

Do I have to worry about heart disease

Do I have to worry about heart disease?
I'm 19 and recently had a check up and was told that I pretty much couldn't get much healthier then I am. I have a family history of heart disease and was wondering if I still have to worry about getting it despite how healthy I am.
Heart Diseases - 7 Answers
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2 :
I wouldn't worry about it too much at the moment, as you are only 19 but as long as you maintain your healthy lifestyle as you get older you have a good chance of escaping it. keep going for regular check ups though.
3 :
Yes, you are at risk. You are more so at risk if your families members heart disease started before age 50. Keep your weight in check. Regular screenings for diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol are very important. Strive for a high HDL(good cholesterol). Exercise can make that number go higher. You are only 19 so don't stress over it at this point because stress only adds to the risk. Just continue to take good care of yourself and hope for the best.
4 :
Since it's about the most likely cause of your death at some point in the future, you should keep that in mind! Eat right, exercise regularly, don't smoke, don't drink too much, and don't engage in "risky behaviors" and you'll probably be fine....
5 :
if you read my answer i dont know if you not worry or you happy this is my answer: The Symptoms of Heart Disease Poor Sleep, low energy, fatigue, exertion, shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, pain in the arms or legs, the feeling of needing a nap. A Heart attack means a portion of your heart has died from oxygen starvation and will not come back to life. Poor blood flow is the problem. When a large portion of the heart muscle dies, so do you. Almost everyone over 30 is at risk of heart disease because arteries start accumulating plaque when you are much younger. There are only a few good options that will reverse or prevent a Heart Attack. Drugs won't do it, controlling your cholesterol and blood pressure will only delay the big one for a little while. Bypass surgery and Angioplasty are somewhat effective but most often have to be repeated every few years. The bad part of surgery is, it causes physical and mental health problems and only addresses the large blockages that are easy to clean. When you have small blockages it's called Congestive Heart Failure and the Doctor can't do anything for it. When a Doctor does Angioplasty, a balloon on the end of a catheter is inserted into your artery to squash the offending plaque against the wall of your artery, it is then held captive with a metal wire stent. The catheter passing through the arteries often damage the arteries and cause plaque to be scraped off in large chunks, that plaque is flushed through your body and may end up in the brain causing paralysis, mental deficiencies, or a stroke. After surgery you will still have Heart disease, because the plaque buildup under the stent and in other areas of your body has not been removed. The catheter cannot get to and clean the small arteries and arterioles that cause congestive heart disease. The Medical industry exists to profit on your poor health. They are trying to make you believe cholesterol and blood clots are the cause of heart disease when calcium is the real cause. Impossible you say, your doctor says calcium is good for you, it's just not true, on a daily basis your body becomes saturated with calcium, way too much calcium. Almost everything you eat and drink has lots of calcium in it. This unneeded calcium floats around your body till it finds a place to build up, the result is: your heart and arteries get plaque buildup, the panaceas and liver get plugged and you get Diabetes, when your joints get plugged you get Arthritis and Osteoporosis, the same thing goes for Prostate, Thyroid disease, along with Macular Degeneration of the eyes, Tinnitus (ringing) in the ears, Kidney stones, Gallstones, Lupus, maybe Alzheimer's and other diseases. I also strongly believe it starts Cancer by causing irritation that leads to inflammation then mutation of the body cells. Doctors providing Angioplasty or Bypass Surgery offer only a one time stopgap, this partial treatment often leads to further heart problems and much more on going treatment. Surgery leaves your body a physical wreck and it takes many months, just to be able to breathe without pain. I've had many customers say "the Doctor rushed me into surgery, I wasn't able to say no." Now these customers have medicated Stents that were designed to prevent blood clots and yet they have to take Plavix daily to prevent blood clots. Some Doctors keep them on Plavix for years, at a great expense. America is drowning under the debt load caused by ridiculous medical costs and the fact that you only receive treatments forever instead of cures. Today's modern Medical Industry was created by Americas most notorious robber Baron, John D. Rockefeller. A wonderful friend of mine had an angioplasty that left him paralyzed on the left side of his body, after three months of not being able to walk or talk he took his life. Many people have experienced similar tragedies caused by surgery. I know first hand because Doctors killed me twice during an Angioplasty and left a stent cocked at an angle blocking 80% of an arteries blood flow in the center of my heart. They said "We are sorry but we can't get it in and we can't get it out, it seems your only option is a heart transplant, unfortunately you don't qualify for a heart transplant because you are over 50 and you don't have any dependant children living with you." I didn't believe them, and after researching the problem I developed Angioprim. I quickly discovered that Angioprim was able to dissolve the plaque that was under the stent and I was able restore blood flow to the artery the Doctors failed to do.
6 :
You need to be a bit more practical. You said your family has a history of heart disease. Are the diseases they had congenital or hereditary? Heart attacks at old age are not. If not you don't have too much to worry about for at least a decade or three. If so you should be screened for those specific diseases periodically. Also the first likely symptom of heart disease is a heart murmur. It is an incorrect sounding heart beat. Any doctor can tell you if you have one. It only takes a moment to check.
7 :

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Monday, November 8, 2010

How does being over weight or eating fast food give you a higher risk of heart disease

How does being over weight or eating fast food give you a higher risk of heart disease?
how and why does it put a strain on your heart?
Heart Diseases - 6 Answers
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1 :
You have a lot of extra blood vessels for every pound of fat. The heart has to work harder to pump the blood through this extra distance and having to pump the extra volume of blood. High fat, of the wrong kind, will build up plaque in the arteries. That will cause the blood vessels to harden and not be able to expand. That puts more pressure on the heart, making it have to work harder. Eventually the arteries block totally and you have a stroke or heart attack.
2 :
As you are already sitting at your computer, type in "obesity and the heart". You'll find a laundry list of effects that excess body fat (obesity) has on the heart. Genetics is not an excuse, because there are heavy people on both sides of my family and I am very thin, but, only because I follow the Dr Atkins' diet as a way of life. God bless you for caring about this epidemic.
3 :
Overweight may cause severe strain on the heart. Usually trans fat, freely available in the fast food, deposit within the arteries (including the coronary artery) and causes atherosclerosis. The pumping efficiency of the cardiac muscle will be lowered due to narrowing of the coronary arteries. In the meanwhile the demand for the oxygenated blood by the body tissues will be greater than it's supply. This causes left ventricular failure. Uncontrolled hypertension and diabetes make the matter worse.
4 :
simple and specific, the workload/cm square is high in over weight or obesity, so the heart has to work harder . fast food or junk food are of no nutritional values and high calories which contributes to obesity. as simple as that, but to tell u the truth even i can't get rid of the junk foods. happy new year 2010
5 :
Simply answering your query " Obesity/overweight is just like a permanent pregnancy" so the end result is you can very well understand, HTN, DM etc. and eventuality. Stay close to nature, eat vegetables and avoid junk/fried food, if possible although mandatory do physical. Once a week you can have home cooked whatever you like (except junk food). Don't go to the Atkin's diet etc. and weight reducing cosmetic medications(because of their side-effects). If possible consult a person who has reduced his weight, it is more practical approach.
6 :
Obesity increases the risk of heart disease in a few ways. Obesity increases the risk of other risk factors for heart disease, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high LDL (bad) cholesterol and low HDL (good) cholesterol. Obesity itself is an independent risk factor for the development of heart disease, but the mechanism is not completely understood. Central obesity is even more associated with the development of heart disease. Obesity has been shown to increase the development of atherosclerosis, which are the blockages that develop in the blood vessels that lead to heart attacks. Obesity certainly requires the heart to pump more volume, but this is unlikely the cause for the increase risk of heart disease. It is hypothesized that the insulin resistance that occurs with obesity may be at least partially responsible for the progression of heart disease. Fastfood is typically high in saturated fats and cholesterol, which are known to increase the risk of heart disease

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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Difference between rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease

Difference between rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease?
I think that rheumatic heart disease is complication of rheumatic fever, but not so much clear about these 2 terms. If someone has rheumatic fever, and gets any heart valvular lesion so after 10-12 years he doesnt have fever but has heartvalvular problem so will this be called as the rheumatic heart disease, and if some patient 20 yrs old presents withbreathlessness for 5-6 yrs, on echo there is MR,MS, so how we know it was due to rheumatic fever in his childhood? Help needed for these scenerios Thanks
Heart Diseases - 3 Answers
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1 :
Rheumatic fever is an inflammatory disease which may develop after a Group A streptococcal infection (such as strep throat or scarlet fever) and can involve the heart, joints, skin, and brain. Rheumatic (roo-MAT'ik) heart disease is a condition in which the heart valves are damaged by rheumatic fever. Check out the websites below for more detailed information, and for help with your scenarios.
2 :
A severe infectious disease occurring chiefly in children, characterized by fever and painful inflammation of the joints and frequently resulting in permanent damage to the valves of the heart. Rheumatic heart disease is a condition in which the heart valves (flap-like structures which prevent the blood from flowing backwards) are damaged by a disease process that begins with a throat infection caused by the streptococcal bacteria. If not treated this throat infection leads to rheumatic fever, repeated episodes of which may cause rheumatic heart disease. Rheumatic fever is an inflammatory disease that affects the connective tissues of the body-especially those of the heart, the joints, the brain or the skin. When rheumatic fever permanently damages the heart, the condition is called rheumatic heart disease. People of all ages can suffer from acute rheumatic fever, but it usually occurs in children five to fifteen years old. Rheumatic fever:Can lead to heart disease Rheumatic heart disease: Something like the narrowing of a valve. Just like a clogged artery. But they are the same thing.
3 :
rheumatic fever is a condition that can lead to rheumatic heart disease. Not all rheumatic fevers however lead to rheumatic heart disease

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Monday, November 1, 2010

i think i have heart disease caused by caffeine

i think i have heart disease caused by caffeine?
i drank a bunch of 2-liters of pepsi and coke last year and got really sick on my 40th one. i spent 3 months being sick and having constant heart arrhythmia's. im not sick anymore, but i get really light headed when i drink caffeine, kind of like the feeling one would get when they are overheating. i also get a random "jolt" in my heart now and then, and i think it could be either heart disease or permanant damage from not being treated.
Heart Diseases - 2 Answers
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1 :
If caffeine is causing you to have heart arrhythmia don't drink it, try something different perhaps decaffeinated drinks this could really help. You could also see your dr to get your heart checked as what you are describing is not normal, plus body temperature doesn't sound normal either. You could also check your thyroid or pituitary gland these are always cuplrits in body temp and heart disease. Good luck.
2 :
avoid cffeine drinks, go for a cardio evaluation by an expert

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