Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Is WPW syndrome considered to be a type of heart disease

Is WPW syndrome considered to be a type of heart disease?
I have this medication that says don't take if you have heart disease. I have wpw syndrome, which is a sort of irregular heartbeat, nothing serious. Can i take the medication? Thank you for your answers... I know what wpw syndrome is, after all i'm the one that has it. The question is, Is it a type of heart disease or not? If you're answer is to consult a doctor, then don't answer. I want to know if it's considered to be a type of heart disease. yes or no. Thank you very much.
Heart Diseases - 6 Answers
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Consult your doctor.
2 :
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (WPW) is a syndrome of pre-excitation of the ventricles of the heart due to an accessory pathway known as the Bundle of Kent. This accessory pathway is an abnormal electrical communication from the atria to the ventricles. The incidence of WPW syndrome is between 0.1 and 3% of the general population.[1][2][3] While the vast majority of individuals with WPW syndrome remain asymptomatic throughout their entire lives, there is a risk of sudden death associated with the syndrome. Sudden death due to WPW syndrome is rare (incidence of less than 0.6%[3][4]), and is due to the effect of the accessory pathway on tachyarrhythmias in these individuals. DON'T TAKE THE MEDICATION BECAUSE IT COULD HAVE HARMFUL SIDE EFFECTS. U SHOULD TALK TO UR DOCTOR FIRST BUT I WOULDN'T RECOMMEND IT!!!
3 :
Wolf Parkinson White is a heart disease that affects rythm. Depending on the medication, it can worsen your arrythmia. Ask a cardiologist.
4 :
It's a defect, not a disease in the true sense, but it depends on the medication. You did not state what the medication is. You can call a pharmacist for free, if that is your concern, and they can tell you if it's contraindicated. However, without a medication, don't expect a reliable answer.
5 :
yes, WPW is considered a type of heart disease... no, I would not take this medicine without asking your MD...
6 :
Yes it is. It is listed under the heart disease health center in webmd.com and in the glossary of terms for heart disease. Click these links for proof. http://www.webmd.com/heart-disease/Wolff-Parkinson-White-Syndrome and the next link is: http://www.webmd.com/heart-disease/guide/heart-disease-glossary-terms No, you can't take the medication wihout consulting your physician. (don't know name of med, so you need to consult physician about that or pharmacist

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Friday, October 24, 2008

Why does sodium contribute to heart disease

Why does sodium contribute to heart disease?
Specifically what is the biological effect of too much sodium that leads to heart disease?
Heart Diseases - 2 Answers
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sodium attracts water. if there is too much sodium in the body, water retention can occur which could lead to hypervolemia (fluid overload). this is particularly stressful for the heart, because it would need to pump harder. patients with congestive heart failure are mostly affected by this.
2 :
In a complex way, increased salt intake causes more fluid to be retained in the blood vessels. This increased volume of blood requires the heart to work harder to pump blood to all the tissues in the body. Increasing the blood’s volume within the enclosure of the circulatory system is one way that salt increases blood pressure. Salt may also help elevate blood pressure through the action of the arterioles. Arterioles are blood vessels that dilate and constrict to regulate blood pressure and blood flow. By contracting under the influence of sodium, arterioles effectively increase the resistance to blood movement and lessen the volume of blood that is returned to the heart. This action also increases blood pressure. The body needs sodium but not in excess

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Monday, October 20, 2008

Why is there a heart disease awareness month for women but not for men

Why is there a heart disease awareness month for women but not for men?
Does this mean that everyone is just focused on womens health and no one is focused on men?? What if a man dies from heart disease?? Does anyone even care?? Is there any research being done on mens health or does everyone ignore mens health and laugh if they get heart disease??
Heart Diseases - 4 Answers
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Of course people care that men get heart disease too. The reason there's a month focused on women's heart disease is because it's the number one killer of women.
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Women are neglected if and when they succumb to heart attack. They are not fetched to the hospital for treatment at the proper time. Women and older patients experience atypical symptoms more frequently than their male and younger counterparts. Women also have more symptoms compared to men (2.6 on average vs 1.8 symptoms in men). The most common symptoms of MI in women include dyspnea, weakness, and fatigue. Fatigue, sleep disturbances, and dyspnea have been reported as frequently occurring symptoms which may manifest as long as one month before the actual clinically manifested ischemic event. In women, chest pain may be less predictive of coronary ischemia than in men. World Heart Day is celebrated by World Heart Federation on September 27th every year. Begun in 1999 with the vision that all World Heart Federation members could collectively help to curb the global pandemic of cardiovascular disease, which claims some 17.5 million lives world-wide annually, World Heart Day is now celebrated by members and non-members alike in more than 100 countries around the world.
3 :
If you properly now about heart disease you must read this site and ads http://medicaladv.blogspot.com/
4 :
Women have higher rates of this disease and their "awareness" programs are more profitable if they target women, however, a bigger issue is the fact that these "awareness" campaigns are money making scams to fund drug company research. They make lots of money for drug company research, but they fail to spread "awareness of the cause of heart disease." Almost every case of heart disease can be prevented and even reversed through dramatic changes to diet and lifestyle. Dr. Dean Ornish has shown that heart disease can be reversed through a low-fat vegetarian diet. Others, like Dr. Neal Barnard, have shown that eliminating ALL meat, ALL dairy, and ALL eggs can prevent heart disease in nearly every person. (Some heart disease is due to genetic defects, but those are rare.) These 'foods' are not necessary for a healthy diet that is based completely on plants. These "awareness" campaigns are nonsensical and money making scams. Awareness should involve major lifestyle changes and less need for drugs and worthless diet programs

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fish Oil supplements useless for decreasing chances of heart disease

Fish Oil supplements useless for decreasing chances of heart disease?
I just saw on CNN this morning a cardiologist saying that fish oil supplements are basically useless, that only the actual food source provides the benefits of decreasing stroke and heart disease? Is this so? I always understood that the omega-3 fatty acids are what provide these benefits, which are included in both the fish oils supplements and obviously the fish themselves....
Heart Diseases - 2 Answers
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yes they are really good for the heart
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I think they are somehow right because in the actual food you find different mineral and organic complexes that can't be obtained during chemical reactions in pharma. laboratories. omega 3 fatty acid can't be bad for your health but it's better to eat the whole complex of vitamins, lipids, proteins, etc.

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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Are there any skeletal signs of diseases of development such as diabetes, heart disease, or obesity

Are there any skeletal signs of diseases of development such as diabetes, heart disease, or obesity?
I'm trying to compare how we can see signs of things such as iron deficiency in ancient skeletal remains with diseases associated with the modern developed world like diabetes, obesity, heart disease. I just can't seem to find whether or not these diseases leave any kind of signs that can be recognized on the skeleton. Any help would be greatly appreciated. If there are technical terms to the signs, those would be very helpful.
Heart Diseases - 2 Answers
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http://www.springerlink.com/content/595533h426h58004/ http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/05/090526202805.htm http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B73DX-4GJVB8M-1&_user=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_searchStrId=1059780765&_rerunOrigin=google&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=ca8dff879a96d5bb42a369c2de94bec8 http://www.annals.org/cgi/reprint/120/3/238.pdf
2 :
Some people don't have symptoms, especially when diabetes is diagnosed early. This is because the blood sugar level may rise so slowly that a person may not know that anything is wrong. Other people may have symptoms, such as: â– Being very thirsty. â– Urinating a lot. â– Losing weight without trying. â– Having blurry vision. â– Feeling hungrier or more tired than usual. Sometimes a person finds out that he or she has type 2 diabetes during a regular medical checkup. Or people may find out that they have the disease during an appointment for another health problem such as high blood pressure, an infection, or a wound that heals slowly. Some people don't find out that they have diabetes until they have a complication from the disease, such as vision problems, kidney disease, nerve disease, or heart and blood vessel problems

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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

What REALLY CAUSES Coronary Heart Disease - Now We Know That Saturated Fat And Cholesterol Absolutely DON'T

What REALLY CAUSES Coronary Heart Disease - Now We Know That Saturated Fat And Cholesterol Absolutely DON'T
What really causes coronary heart disease? Ancel Keys's research has ZERO scientific validity as he LEFT OUT data available from 22 other that CONTRADICTED his theory. Also his false theory was an epidemiological study - which is the LOWEST of the low and is not good enough. Most importantly there has not been one tightly controlled clinical intervention trial that has ever shown saturate dfat to increase CJHD mortality or incidence. So what REALLY CAUSES CHD?
Heart Diseases - 5 Answers
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Coronary artery disease or atherosclerosis is a process in which small fatty layers (plaque) are deposited over many years along the inner wall of the artery. The constant depositing of plaque narrows the vessel and can eventually close off the flow of blood through the coronary arteries. This can be caused by high blood pressure, smoking, high cholesterol levels and diabetes.
2 :
Incorrect answer in 2 ways . First you answered on WHAT it is and were incorrect. The popular but erroneous "fatty deposit" scenario is completely FALSE. It develops BETWEEN the INNER and OUTTER walls of the arteries and is comprised MAINLY of very hard fibrous scar tissu and smooth arterial muscle tissue., collagen calicum deposits and white blood cells and blood platelets and finally small amounts of cholesterol and various fats also. Out of these fats POLYUNSATURATED fat makes up 80 % Secondly I asked what CAUSES IT
3 :
Nanobacteria and hydroxyapatite crystals.
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Saturated fat and cholesterol might not be the sole reason as to why people get heart attacks, which can be caused by CHD, but they are risk factors. The more risk factors, the chances can increase exponentially. Genetics also play a factor with the increase/decrease chances of a CHD so it's hard to have a well efficient study to establish if sat. fat increases CHD unless we can identify it in people's DNA. There are numerous other factors that can cause CHD (hypertension, artherosclerosis, obesity, smoking, drug abuse, sedentary life-style, etc..). Remember that's only one research study that says that saturated fat doesn't cause coronary heart disease. In order for that statement to be more viable, many more studies need to be made to back it up. "Most importantly there has not been one tightly controlled clinical intervention trial that has ever shown saturate dfat to increase CJHD mortality or incidence." - Also, CHD doesn't cause death, it leads to heart attacks which can lead to death.
5 :
Funny video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHXXTCc-IVg There are many factors that contribute to development of atherosclerosis, but the primary cause is the profound changes that have taken place in the American diet during the past century, particularly: 1. Imbalance in consumption of essential fatty acids (too little omega-3 as in fish, too much omega-6 as in corn oil, soybean oil, etc.) 2. Excess consumption of carbohydrates particularly sugars and high fructose corn syrup. 3. Eating too much (too many calories). 4. Free radicals in process liquid vegetable oils and trans fatty acids partially hydrogenated vegetable oils. 5. Nutrient deficiencies. The kind of diet that the American Heart Association recomends is contributing to the high rates of cancer, heart disease and stroke. Eat liquid vegetable oils and margarine stay away from saturated fat like butter and coconut oil....blah...blah...blah.. Has anyone told the AHA that butter and coconut oils are the healthiest fats on the planet. http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?identifier=4668 They fail to mention that the liquid vegetable oils and tub margarines are rancid oils. Because high heat is used to process these oils and the high heat makes the oils rancid (free radicals) and food companies will deodorize the oils to hide the rancid smell. So all those vegetable oils you see on the shelf that look clean and don't smell bad are really rancid. Unless it says "Cold Pressed" oil it's ok. That means high heat was not used in processing. But you should never cook with vegetable oils because the polyunsaturated fats are very vulnerable to damage. It's safer to cook with the more saturated fats or monounsaturated fats like beef tallow, lard, coconut oil, olive oil, sesame oil... http://www.westonaprice.org/knowyourfats/index.html The myths and truths about nutrition: http://www.westonaprice.org/mythstruths/mtnutrition.html There are two kinds of LDL-cholesterol. The light, fluffy LDL is good. Light fluffy LDL is a building block of lipoprotein, so the fact that it is being increased for repair is probably good. The small dense LDL is thought to be bad. One study showed that a lowfat diet in children raises this bad kind of cholesterol. Dreon, MD et al, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2000 71:1611-1616). The typical American diet results in increased production of triglycerides, decreased levels of HDL-cholesterol, and a preponderance of small, dense LDL-cholesterol particles, a condition referred to as the atherogenic lipid triad. The increase in the atherogenic potential of LDL arises from the increase in the number of small dense LDL particles, not from the cholesterol content per se. Small dense LDL particles more easily penetrate the arterial wall, initiating atherosclerotic injury, which leads to the development of inflammation and plaque. Proc Nutr Soc, 199 Feb:58(1);163-69. The development of highly atherogenic small dense LDL particles is thought to be due to high insulin levels and excess triglycerides that result from excessive carbohydrate and caloric intake and from an imbalance of essential fatty acids. Res Commun Moi Pathol Pharmacol, 2003:113-114:87-95 and Prostoglandins Leukot Essent Fatty acids. 1997 Oct;57(4-5):379-85. Other factors that contribute to atherosclerosis are smoking, inactivity and stress. It is not unusual for those who adopt a healthy low-carbohydrate diet to experience a reduction on Triglycerides and increase HDL by 50 to 75 percent, indicating a dramatic decrease in insulin resistance, inflammation and levels of small LDL particles, and further indicating reduced risk of diabetes, cornorary artery disease and adverse cardiac events. http://www.westonaprice.org/traditional_diets/sad_changes_american_standard.html http://www.westonaprice.org/moderndiseases/hd.html

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Saturday, October 4, 2008

Can either kidney disease or heart disease cause watery eyes in cats

Can either kidney disease or heart disease cause watery eyes in cats?
Can either kidney disease or heart disease cause watery eyes in cats?
Cats - 1 Answers
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Here are a few of the reasons why your cat may have watery eyes. http://www.medicinenet.com/pets/cat-health/eye_discharge_in_cats.htm

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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Can adolescents develop a heart disease

Can adolescents develop a heart disease?
Hi, I was wondering if adolescents can develop like a hypertensive heart disease? Or is it only for adults?
Heart Diseases - 1 Answers
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Adolescents can develop cardiomyopathy, which can results from hypertension. There are several types of cardiomyopathy: where the heart can thin, it can become thick, or it can become rigid. All impair the function of the heart and are usually fatal in their late teens/early 20's. Im sure that you've heard of the high school students that have died while playing sports---this is what they die from. So yes, adolescents can develop heart disease, but an EKG can help diagnose and begin the treatment process of such a thing

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