Saturday, March 28, 2009

Heart disease

Heart disease?
My husband was told that his heart is weak and not working at maxium level??? This was based on a catherization that was done from the right leg. Also, prior to the proceedure-he was under medication (asprin, blood pressure and diuretiics) When checking his pulse now, it is normal and he functions normally-no weakness or nothing.. He was admitted due to breathing problems. Once he released about 5-10 lbs of water he was fine. Is it possible to have a weak heart when the pulse is normal? What are the signs of congestive heart failure? Is it reversable?? What heart % is normal for a 42 year old man ? Thanks Also, could the meds have caused the slow heart rate??
Heart Diseases - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Heart efficiency is measured in a term called ejection fraction. A normal heart works @ 65%. I think the threshhold for transplant criteria is 30%, mine is currently 20-25%, but I am not a transplant candidate because I am an alcoholic(recovering) And I still smoke+ I have chronic pancreatitus. At this level walking four block is serious business. P.S. MY pulse is always constant at 73(paced)
2 :
it is possible to have a weak heart but a normal pulse. signs of chf include fatigue, swelling or edema, inability to sleep lying down, shortness of breath and weight gain. it's a chronic disease. its treatable with medication and low sodium diet. from time to time people do have exacerbations or acute episodes where they may require hospitalization like your husband did

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