Monday, February 16, 2009

heart disease

heart disease?
what tests do i need to find out if i have heart disease i feel ilke a walking time bomb and none of the docs i've seen takes it seriously something is wrong i know my body when you don't have insurance it's hell , same with my breast i need a mamogram like yesterday, problems but i can't get insurance because i was previously diagnosed with heliocobacter pylori in june 07
Heart Diseases - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Three main symptoms of a heart attack: 1. Pressure or pain in the centre of the chest, lasting more than a few minutes or going away and coming back 2. Pain spreading to the shoulders, neck or arms 3. Chest discomfort combined with light-headedness, fainting, sweating, nausea or shortness of breath Other common warning signs of heart attack include unusual chest, stomach or abdominal pain, nausea or dizziness, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, unexplained anxiety, weakness or fatigue, palpitations, cold sweat or paleness. Please take an ECG and consult a cardiologist.
2 :
There are lots of tests but if I had to pick only one I would pick a thallium treadtmill stress test. This checks for blocked arteries(time bomb city!) as well as the size and pumping function of your heart and it does it under exertional stress so that subtle or hidden abnormalities may be detected that could not be found at rest. If you walk for 8-10 minutes on a standard treadmill test without heart symptoms or abnormalities the chances are excellent that you are heart healthy

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