Saturday, February 28, 2009

heart disease

heart disease?
what tests do i need to find out if i have heart disease i feel ilke a walking time bomb and none of the docs i've seen takes it seriously something is wrong i know my body when you don't have insurance it's hell , same with my breast i need a mamogram like yesterday, problems but i can't get insurance because i was previously diagnosed with heliocobacter pylori in june 07
Women's Health - 2 Answers
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1 :
Telephone The Heart Foundation, or some such body, and ask them to guide you. I am sure that you will find them very sympathetic.
2 :
Oh my goodness! It's difficult when you don't have health insurance. However, depending on your income, most places will see you for a reasonable payment. If funds are really tight, check with your local department of social services so you can apply for Medicaid. You really need to look out for yourself, sweetie. Be well and take care

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