Saturday, January 29, 2011

arthritis remedy that does not cause heart disease

arthritis remedy that does not cause heart disease?
i have terrible pain in my thumb and right knee dr gace me arcoxia but i heard you can get heart disease or embolia in the long run is there any alternative medicine or remedy to treat it?
Other - Diseases - 2 Answers
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1 :
try the PAU LINIMENT it is good for the arthritis
2 :
You can research glucosamine online. It appears to work for arthritis. From what i read on the internet you can do liquid glucosamine which should help farily quickly.Here are sone info sources

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how can i prevent Ischaemic heart disease from killing me

how can i prevent Ischaemic heart disease from killing me?
aboiut six months ago my mother died of Ischaemic heart disease ive heard from alopt of people that this is contagious and i have no medical insurance so i cant figure out if i have it, if in the case i do what can i do so i dont die at 40 like my mom
Heart Diseases - 4 Answers
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Its not contagious, but if you have a family history of coronary conditions, then I'd make sure to go to the doctor to get advice, and until then, eat healthy and excersize
2 :
Ischemia is described as an inadequate flow of blood to a part of the body, caused by constriction or blockage of the blood vessels supplying it. i.e. the heart in this case. The way you can increase your chances of not having the same thing is to live a healthy life. Food, movement, mental health, that sort of thing. Sometimes it's hereditary which can be turned around or it's the fact that a person lives an unhealthy life which can also be turned around. My mother died at 50, I turned 50, 2 weeks ago. I had an invasive test done last week due to chest pain and learned that I have had NO changes since I originally had a heart attack 10 years ago. This is because I lve a healthy life. I will say, i also take a lot of medicine to help keep me in good condition. I know you don't have insurance but there is always a free clinic for people that don't have it. Check out clinics in your area and try and get a check up.
3 :
Coronary artery disease involves impairment of blood flow through the coronary arteries, most commonly by atheromas. Clinical presentations include silent ischemia, angina pectoris, acute coronary syndromes (unstable angina, MI), and sudden cardiac death. Diagnosis is by symptoms, ECG, stress testing, and sometimes coronary angiography. Prevention consists of modifying reversible risk factors (eg, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, physical inactivity, obesity, and smoking). Treatment includes drugs and procedures to reduce ischemia and restore or improve coronary blood flow. A healthy diet and lifestyle can reduce your risk of: * Heart disease, heart attacks, and stroke * Conditions that lead to heart disease, including high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and obesity * Other chronic health problems, including type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, and some forms of cancer Eat a low-cholesterol, low-fat diet, which includes cottage cheese, fat-free milk, fish, vegetables, poultry, and egg whites. Use monounsaturated oils such as olive, peanut, and canola oils or polyunsaturated oils such as corn, safflower, soy, sunflower, cottonseed, and soybean oils. Avoid foods with excess fat in them such as meat (especially liver and fatty meat), egg yolks, whole milk, cream, butter, shortening, pastries, cakes, cookies, gravy, peanut butter, chocolate, olives, potato chips, coconut, cheese (other than cottage cheese), coconut oil, palm oil, and fried foods.
4 :
Iscaemic heart disease is NOT of course contagious, you can't catch it from anyone! Though to some extent inherited most is due to adverse factors in lifestyle. To combat this there is a short list of basic dos and don'ts Don't smoke Minimise animal fat intake Maximise intake of oily fish Eat wholegrain cereals Eat fresh fruit and vegetables Take regular vigorous exercise

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Friday, January 28, 2011

I know Heart disease is the leading cause of death...but what are the other 2 leading lifestyle diseases

I know Heart disease is the leading cause of death...but what are the other 2 leading lifestyle diseases?
I have to write a quiz for my health class but i can only find heart disease on google and what if u can tell me some others with a description that would be great thx!
Other - Diseases - 2 Answers
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Stroke and diabetes. Both are caused by being overwieght, not eating healthy, etc,
2 :
testicular cancer...number one death in men

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Monday, January 24, 2011

Cure for rheumatoid heart disease patient

Cure for rheumatoid heart disease patient?
What can a rheumatoid heart disease patient can do to prolong her life without surgery.
Heart Diseases - 3 Answers
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1 :
rheumatoid is something that effects the joints im not sure there is a rheumatoid heart disease however check out the web google,yahoo or try
2 :
Rheumatic fever that has affected the heart can be treated with prophylactic penicillin. After that regular checkups to monitor your progress.
3 :
regular aspirine can prevent imflammation. burdock root without peeling .5 lbs daikon root 1lbs 2 shitake mushrooms, daily in long term. Need help to get them then let me know.

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Thursday, January 20, 2011

what are the chances of cancer/heart disease when

what are the chances of cancer/heart disease when.......?
you are 1. male 2. 45 3. smoked cigarettes since 12 yrs old 4. smoked weed and other drugs since an early age 5. have a very poor diet (high in fat) 6. high cholesterol 7. stressed 8. overweight what are the chances of someone like this having heart disease/cancer now or getting it in the near future?
Heart Diseases - 4 Answers
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2 :
you probably already have some heart disease but are not experiencing noticeable symptoms It's not too late to change your bad habits which are: smoking nothing poor diet high in fat high cholesterol stressed overweight
3 :
Give up and eat cholestrol free diet , physical, vitamin pills. You will get no cancer/heart diseases etc. Your body is in the age of qick recovery. MOST importantant keep yourself busy.
4 :
Cholesterol does NOT cause coronary artery disease in any way shape or form The idea that is does is COMPLETELY FALSE AND IS A MYTH PLEASE RESEARCH IT

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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Can this be a heart disease sign

Can this be a heart disease sign?
Sometimes I feel that my heart stops to beat for a short momment and then starts to beat again with a more pressure with a 'bump'like sound ,I dont feel pain but discomfort,I have some pains also in my left hand spreading to my shoulder when iIm tired can this be a heart disease sign? thanks for all the answers ,your answers were all useful for me .
Heart Diseases - 11 Answers
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1 :
go to the doctor
2 :
Could be! Could not be! Go to a doctor and get an EKG, and a bloodtest.
3 :
yes, it can. see a doctor for evaluation.
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6 :
well yes and no. are you under any pressure? you could be over weight/ under weight/ anxiety/ or nurvousness/ do you hve frequent headaches/nausea/or upset stomach/ double vision/ i dont think it is heart disease. probably an anxiety attack. but i would go to the doctor and find out for sure. but remember try to relax as often as you can.
7 :
Go to your doctor to get tests done immediately, because it sounds as if you may have a murmur (which can be harmless), or some other type of arrhythmia, which may be a sign of a serious cardiac problem. Also, the pain in the left hand radiating to your shoulder may be an indicator of a stroke to come. If your family history involves any of these diagnosises, or if you smoke and are overweight you may be at a greater risk for such complications.
8 :
Can be anxiety attacks, also could be heart attack..... don't take any chances dear.. you can't die of an anxiety attack, but the 'radiating pain' that you are describing does make me concerned about your heart. And ya can die from that and more women than men die from their first heart attack! AGE DOES NOT MATTER! I was 36 when I had a heart attack!
9 :
yes it can be. so you please go to a doctor. dont take it silly please.. your symptoms sounds like its a heart problem.. better take an ECG and Echo test and do blood tests also. if you could do the TMT test it will be bettre Thanks
10 :
The 'bump' is what we call 'palpitations' or being aware of your heartbeat. It is usually harmless, but it can be significant or meaning something, which a doctor should check you for. It would be good to see if there is a pattern such as timing or place, position, activity, etc. Your family history could be significant or helpful. The pain could be more important as 'angina' or a shortage of oxygen to your heart muscles. This is where 'nitro' can help, as well as prove or disprove angina by its effect. Your age count, as for women getting to mid-life, heart is the most important or leading cause of death. So good to check out if you can afford.
11 :
Definitely go see a doctor. These could be signs of heart disease or symptoms of something else. Try to pay attention to when these happen, how often, how long. Are there any other symptoms you may be experiencing, even if they may seem unrelated, pay attention. You may want to keep a record on a piece of paper that you can take into your MD's office so you don't forget. These are all things you will want to discuss with your doctor so that he will be able to rule out all other conditions as well. Good luck to you. Just an example of my own. Several years ago I started noticing I was experiencing heart palpitations, as well as not being able to draw in a full breath at times. This peaked my concern, but I didn't do anything about it, I just questioned friends. I was also experiencing other things that I thought were strange, or that I hadn't noticed before. From what I could tell none of it seemed related, so I wondered if I was just imagining some of these. I didn't really pay too much attention to them all, I just figured if there was something wrong the doctor would be able to find it and I wouldn't need to say anything (I guess like a dentist finds a cavity, know what I mean?) So when I would go in to the doctor for other things, I would never mention these "strange things". Eventually, things got worse, to the point I could no longer deny something was definitely not right, I felt like I was dying some type of strange slow death. I went to the doctor, he order several different blood tests. We discovered I was hypothyroid. I was put on a medication that I take daily, the dose was slowly adjusted over a period of time and I can not tell you how much better I feel. I don't experience any heart palpitations anymore, I can breath better as well as several other things have greatly improved. When I look back on all the time I was living in a "cloud", if I only would have know then to pay attention to all these different symptoms and how to ask my doctor for help

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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

At what age do women experience symptoms of Heart Disease

At what age do women experience symptoms of Heart Disease?
How early can the disease be detected?
Women's Health - 4 Answers
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heart disease can hit you at any age for a woman. If you are not sure go and see your doctor
2 :
my nans got it, shes 62 i think she does eat alot of salt tho. not everyone gets it, look after your body and you will be fine.
3 :
73. It can't be detected. Doctors will always assume the symptoms are acid reflux. So if you regurgitate your food and you're approaching the big seven O, you might want to start getting your affairs in order. Just kidding. Symptoms can occur at any age but usually begin during and after menopause. Yes heart disease can be detected early on and should be checked regularly if you have risk factors such as, diabetes, high blood pressure or cholesterol, family history. Don't end up like my momma. The above story is true. it happened to her. Make sure you see a heart specialist, not some small town quack.
4 :
It depends. Some people never have it in their entire life but some people start taking medicine in a very early age

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Saturday, January 8, 2011

what parts of the body does heart disease affect

what parts of the body does heart disease affect?
i need to know what parts of the body heart disease affects and why and please no stupid answers this is very serious. i need to know and how i might be able to prevent these affect from happening
Heart Diseases - 5 Answers
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The heart?
2 :
Well, heart disease would primarily affect the heart... The heart supplies the body with blood, so after the heart the rest of the major organs would be affected. It depends on which kind of heart disease you have as to which organs it affects next. If you have any heart disease then you'll be lucky to prevent any further damage for your other organs unless it's being treated, in which case most should be reversible. If you're worried you should really talk to your GP...
3 :
good question. heart disease not only affects the heart but from its inadequate pumping it can affect the lungs by alowing fliud to build up. it can affect circulation by pushing fluid outside the cells causing swelling in legs and feet called edema. it can affect the brain by not pumping enough blood effectively to your head. so all in all heart disease affects every part of the body.
4 :
What kind of heart disease? The heart is a organ whose primary function is to pump blood through the pulmonary ( right side ) and systemic circulations ( left side). So the first affects of the heart disease depend on defect location, but since our vascular system is a close circulation, it will progress to other side and finally heart failure.
5 :
the lungs cause the heart

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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Can I donate blood if I have heart disease

Can I donate blood if I have heart disease?
I want to make sure that blood donation is not dangerous for my heart. I have angina and coronary artery calcium score of 225. I am 47 years old, male.
Heart Diseases - 2 Answers
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I think you are a high risk to donate blood.
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The majority of blood collection facilities would defer you as a volunteer donor if your angina is current and/or you are taking heart medications (Beat blockers, nitroglycerine, etc). If you have had cardiac bypass surgery and your angina is now gone, have no heart attack history, are currently off cardiac medications and have no restrictions on physical activity, you may be eligible to donate 1 year after surgery. Each medical director is allowed to determine the eligibility of potential donors with cardiac conditions. Please contact your local blood center for specific guidelines

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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Any link between heart disease and the type of food that we eat

Any link between heart disease and the type of food that we eat?
Previous Post… Yes, almost all had agreed to one point here.. STRONG CORELATION WITHIN HEART & BRAIN. Now answer this… Any correlation between heart disease and type of food that human eat?
Vegetarian & Vegan - 9 Answers
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fatty and processed meat
2 :
Of course there is, everything you eat or drink ends up in your blood stream. Why is so easy to believe that drinking over long term can mess up your health yet some people still don't believe that diet affects health.
3 :
of course it is not rocket science look at the people who eat fast food and the people that dont.
4 :
Duhhh!! Thats like atleast half the reason people get heart disease
5 :
yes and the things people smoke everything is involved with the heart cholesterol ...etc from the food that we consume can clog the valves and arteries of the heart preventing blood flow to occur...which means the heart stops and after two minutes or less the body shuts down instantly and we die THE END
6 :
YES. The types of food you eat can lead to a condition called atherosclerosis. It's basically a buildup of fatty materials or cholesterol within the arteries. This can lead to blood clots. If a blood clot stops the flow of blood to the heart, then you will have a heart attack. If one of the clots stops blood flow to the brain, you will have a stroke. So yeah, bad food can lead to bad problems with your heart.
7 :
Of course. But eating healthy meals should always be paired with exercise.
8 :
no really? imagine that, processed food a cause of major chronic diseases! no way! that's why we are suppose to eat right! eat more fresh whole foods.. eat your 5/5 a day (5 fresh fruits and veggies each) and keep the garbage down to a minimum.. dairy, meats, processed junk... heart disease is just the end result.. it starts with the digestive tract then moves to the organs.
9 :
From my education I know food containing saturated fats have more hydrogen in them. The fats being carried in your blood often bond to the insides of your vessels and make plaque for this reason. During moments of extremely quick blood flow, do to exercise, health risks, etc, part of the clot is ripped and the soft fat can link to passing blood cells, form a clot, and if in your coronary artery, kill you since your heart cannot get the blood it needs to work.
10 :
need to watch super size me processed people will scare you straight to the veggie counter....

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