Wednesday, January 20, 2010

is there a cure for heart disease for dogs

is there a cure for heart disease for dogs?
on dogs 101 it said that the cavalier king charles spaniel, one of the most common problems is heart disease, and it's like the #1 cause of death. But if you took it to the vet, is there a cure or something that they could do to help it?
Dogs - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
No cure. Like people there are things we can do to avoid heart disease - exercise, diet ,
2 :
each case is different, depending on what type of heart disease is affecting it - he could also have a combination of heart issues. "heart disease" is a very broad topic
3 :
No, there are no cures, but there are things that can be done to treat the symptoms and extend the quality and length of life.
4 :
No there isn't, but you can help prevent it through a healthy diet and exercise. If you are concerned about your dog, you can ask your vet to to test for it. All the vet can do when a dog is diagnosed with heart disease is help treat the symptoms, slow down the disease and help it live longer.
5 :
The best way to avoid Mitral Valve Disease in Cavaliers or any other breed is to buy your puppy from a reputable breeder who will show you current heart certificates for the parent dogs. These certificates are issued by a qualified canine cardiologist not the local vet. I have two Cavaliers, one is 6 1/2yr old and the other 5 1/2yo. Neither have heart murmurs. I give my Cavaliers a COQ10 supplement every day as a precaution. The supplement won't cure any existing heart problems but...maybe... it might help prevent or delay the development of heart disease. Some dogs can have a grade 1 murmur which is considered to be an innocent murmur and the dog should certainly be health checked by a vet every 12 months because it may become a more serious problem.

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