Saturday, January 16, 2010

Do the majority of heart attack victims deserve to have heart disease

Do the majority of heart attack victims deserve to have heart disease?
Bearing in mind that heart disease is generally caused by smoking, bad diet, lack of excercise etc. and can, in most cases, be avoided. I give generously to a number of charities including The Heart foundation, Save the Children and Cancer Research and I need to drop one of them due to a lack of funds; I am becoming a charity. Is giving to the heart foundation a waste of time because people wont help themselves? It's not like breast cancer, this is unavoidable to some woman no matter how they live their lives.
Diet & Fitness - 13 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Only if they want to die.
2 :
No, no one deserves to go through any of that.
3 :
No one deserves to have heart disease or ANY illness. How absurd! Many people die from heart attacks that never drank, smoked, did drugs, etc. Tons of people are born with heart problems such as flutters, murmurs, bad valves, etc. So, NO, no one deserves to have heart disease.
4 :
Ho takes allsorts I guess. I take it youre slim, exercise at every opportunity, have never smoked or drunk alcohol and never ever done anything that might possibly affect your health;
5 :
Heart attacks are ordinarily the result of obstructed blood vessels feeding the heart muscle, they become obstructed because of inflammation, not fat, not smoking not anything else. They do not know at this point what causes the inflammatory process...this is why a good many sudden deaths from heart attach happen to otherwise healthy people. If you have to stop giving to a worthy cause because of financial concerns then do so, but don't try to rationalize it and blame it on others, that is childish.
6 :
Well it is a good thing for you to give money to the cancer society an for other societies It depends of those people that wants to take care of themselves, for other people they are taking advantage to be healed from the diseases.
7 :
That's a pretty cynical view of life. I don't choose to see it that way. Yes you are correct lots of diseases and illness are becoming more preventable but that greatly depends on ones socio-economic status and education.
8 :
hell no buddy you have 2 live hard 2 live well.... sure you take a few years off your life but hey at least you had fun while you where here... thats whats important. so the f with healthy eating and no smoking you only live once if it dosent conflict with the intresets of others do whats fun or live a long boreing life with bland food no booze and no smoke .
9 :
My grandfather died from a heart attack at 56. He didn't smoke or drink, was in great shape from many years in the navy and worked out on the farm all day so plenty of exercise. I really resent the fact that you would imply he deserved to die of a heart attack, he was a great man who loved people and took good care of his family. Some times it's just hereditary.
10 :
I agree that people suffer heart attacks because of their own fault. But some heart attacks are also caused by severe allergies. Heart foundations do research on this and other aspects of the conditions of the heart. I suggest to donate to the charity in which you truly believe in what they do and you know that your money is put to good use. Good Luck. :)
11 :
If this is your rationale, do you refuse to help lung cancer because someone MAY have gotten it from smoking? Ever hear of genetics?
12 :
if you had ever experienced a heart attack then you would be ashamed to have ask such a question. heart trouble not only affects the patient but also everyone who loves them.i only wish you had had to do the work my beloved wife had forced on her as a result of my heart attack she is a polio victim herself and partily permanently disabled. do you think she deserved to have polio herself as well?
13 :
Actually a good chunk of heart disease can't be avoided. There are gentic factors that lead to high colesterol and it doesn't matter what you do for diet and exercise. It's not like you are donating to weight watchers, where people really DO need to help themselves.
14 :
You have a valid point. In fact a similar system may be implemented on health insurance premiums. I certainly think people should be held accountable for being fat, without, necessarily saying that they d e s e r v e to have heart disease

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