Friday, February 8, 2013

Did you know eating animal protein is directly related to heart disease

Did you know eating animal protein is directly related to heart disease?
Did you know eating animal protein is related to heart disease? I didn't know either, but after reading this book "The China Study" , there is no question in my mind... Don't take my word for it, this guy is a heavyweight researcher that was funded by lot's of gov. and cancer association grants... Animal protein is anything like dairy, meat, eggs, fish, etc. The only protein that safe and does not relate to heart disease is from plants ( soy, beans, etc ) I think that if I was preaching, this would look like this "don't eat meat" but I am just informing all of you of what I found out. I am going to be taking the advice in the book and eating less meat if any. If you are informed and choose to eat meat then it's your choice, but do it knowing the possible implications... Sure in life there is a 100% probability you will die. If you smoke, you know the odds, and I learned that in 2nd grade. Now if someone taught me about improper nutrition upping the odds for a lower quality of my health and possible premature death, I would appreciate that.
Other - Food & Drink - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It is extremely common knowledge! Why do you think for years doctors have warned against eating too much red meat. However, I will eat what I want, thank you very much and you would be wise not to preach to other people. This is why you veggies get such a bad rap, you think you're better than everyone else and that no one else is smart enough to make up their own minds. Bugger off! ADDITIONAL Who the hell are you kidding? You were never informed about nutrition? What? Do you live under a freaking rock? And you are preaching when you assume you will teach all us "dummies" something YOU think we don't know. And you are a hypocrite to say "if you uniformed people continue to eat meat......etc" When by your own admission you are going to continue to eat meat, just cut back. Crimmines! Most people who are trying to conform to a healthy diet ( and I'm not talking veggies) know enough to cut back on the red meat. Geez. Get a clue.
2 :
Yes, i've known for years. Unfortunately, since humans are omnivores, they need specific proteins from animal flesh. The key is MODERATION. Only a few ounces a day. There are people who are ABLE to be vegetarians only, but not everyone is capable of it, or wants to be a veg.
3 :
SO IS SMOKING POT!!! BEEF, IT'S WHATS FOR DINNER. Did you know over 1500 vigans die each year in California from male nutrition? not to mention the friends they lose do to the gas.
4 :
Did you know inflamatory statements put forth only to further your beliefs are directly related to people not taking you seriously?
5 :
It's not just heart disease either. The incidence of high blood pressure is generally greater among meat-eaters than among vegetarians, and cancers of the breast, colon, and prostate are more common among people on a high-meat, high-fat, low-fiber diet. Regarding the heart disease, the #1 killer in women, meat eating women have 50% higher risk of heart disease then vegetarian woman.
6 :
Did you also know that riding in a car can lead to death, if some nut crashes into you? Did you know that eating vegetables can lead to death if you choke on an asparagus tip and no one's around to save you? Did you know that you can get lung cancer, even if you've NEVER EVER smoked in your life? All kinds of things in this world can kill us. And not eating animal protein is no guarantee of a long life... and even if it did give me a longer life, it would probably only extend my life by about a week or so. Anyway, I'll get heart disease through genetics. Diabetes, too, probably. The key is to make the most of every day you are alive. And remember that life is short. So eat dessert first.
7 :
This is very interesting. Why don't all meat eaters develop heart disease though? I'd rather live to be 85 and die of a heart attack than to develop a nasty protein deficiency in my mid-20s and be sickly for the rest of my life until I started eating meat again. The problem with studies like this is that someone makes some miraculous discovery that this and that cause cancer, and if you do so-and-so, you'll develop osteoperosis, etc. Haven't you ever sat back and noticed though that some years down the road, someone else does a study on the same subject and says, "Hey, guess what we just found out? 20 years ago when we scared the sh!t out of the whole world by announcing that doign this causes that--oops! We were wrong!" Happens CONSTANTLY. Just my $0.02

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