Saturday, February 16, 2013

Does the cholesterol theory of heart disease have a dark, deceptive, greedy and manipulative past history

Does the cholesterol theory of heart disease have a dark, deceptive, greedy and manipulative past history?
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Heart Diseases - 2 Answers
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1 :
Not really. It was a case of ignorance. In the past they had no idea about cholesterol and what it could do to the cardiovascular system. So if there was anything dark and deceptive about it, that was just pure ignorance. Greedy? Manipulative? Probably. Due to the aforementioned ignorance at lot of bogus treatments were made available by greedy entrepreneurs to treat heart disease. When, in truth, they just did not know what the hell was going on. The cholesterol-heart disease connection is not just a theory if that is what you mean. It is a fact. Ask any doctor that has had remove an artery blocked by cholesterol buildup.
2 :
Yes....type into google cholesterol myth lol and find your answer. Also, homocysteine...huge factor!...the leading factor in heart disease, stroke and many other conditions/diseases. The deceptive, greedy and manipulative part lol is to sell cholesterol lowering drugs...none of which show any difference in test studies at decreasing heart disease. 50% of people who have a heart attack have normal cholesterol levels. Also, the saturated fat is bad for you line meh~! Heart attack was 1 in 100,000 a century ago...and all they ate was saturated fat (natural fat). If there is cholesterol found in the arterial is there because homocysteine (an amino acid in the blood that is toxic to the body in high levels) is like glass running throught all your veins and arteries, allowing cholesterol and infections inside the arterial wall.... homocysteine also hardens the arteries with scar tissue. Today's poor diet and lifestyle all contribute to high homocysteine levels. At the end of the day it is money $$$$. When lipator (cholesterol lowering drug) is the best selling drug in the world, wouldn't you think heart disease would hasn't...but profits have closed.

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