Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My daughter's father has heart disease should I worry about her

My daughter's father has heart disease should I worry about her?
My 16 yr old daughter's biological father has had 2 major heart attacks and has a pacemaker and is only 38 yrs old.. heart disease runs very strong on his side of the family most of the people do not live to be 50 his dad died at age 47.. should I have her tested for any problems?
Heart Diseases - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You should speak to him and find out if there is a definite diagnosis of any heart conditions. Then go to your doctor and see if there is any need for testing now, such as echocardiography or genetic testing. Otherwise there may be need for some testing when she is a little older.
2 :
Teach her to eat right. Most people have heart problems becuase they eat wrong. Tell her about her family history so she can be aware of her risks.
3 :
I think you should, for peace of mind. Encourage her to lead a healthy life-style, and she should be okay. You shouldn't worry though, hopefully she's got your genes, and she's still young

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