Monday, February 1, 2010

How will binge drinking (excess of 5 drinks) two times weekly affected a person with heart disease

How will binge drinking (excess of 5 drinks) two times weekly affected a person with heart disease?
I am wondering if there is a medical doc out there who could give me some insight into a situation with a loved one? He is diagnosed with heart disease and the related med. conditions that go with this dx. He has also had kidney stone problems, new issues, for the past two months. Seems after he binge drinks, only red wine, of course....Good for the heart. He has to miss work the next day and attributes it to upset stomack and kidney stone pain. He has been a long time heavy drinker for most of his life and he is 51. Tryglycerd. levels not in good zone and either is HDL, too low. Continues to drink and has become emotionally and physcially numb. Zero sex drive and desire for affection and wants to end our relationship because I need more. Many issues here. Is it the alcohol. I keep thinking he is going to die soon if he continues with his denial.
Heart Diseases - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
He is an alcoholic..he needs serious help, BUT he has to want the help. He is causing serious damage to his body and hurting everyone around him. You can go to a Alanon group (not sure if I spelled it right) for partners and/or family of alcoholics, they are free and all over the US
2 :
Your man is an ALCOHOLIC and needs to 'stop drinking entirely' for his own 'good health' ... and he also needs to start seeing a 'counselor' to deal with the 'emotional problems' he has. He sounds 'clinically depressed' and may need to be on medication. His 'sexual non-response' is probably because of one of the 'medications' he's taking, and if that is a problem for EITHER of you he needs to talk to his doctor about possibly 'changing his medication' to one that does not have a negative effect on sexual function. His 'denial' is also a 'mental health issue' so you may have to 'force him' to see the necessary people to help him 'get better' ... and if you truly love him, you'll do that, even if it means that he 'hates you' for awhile ... once he's 'better' he'll probably apologize and thank you for 'sticking with him' when he couldn't 'stick up for himself' in the way he needs to so he can get better.
3 :
Hi, I'm sorry you're having such a tough situation to deal with. Couple things. First, his alcoholism will not only make the heart disease worse, but will inhibit any drugs he is taking to help with the effects of HD. Second, new research has show pretty conclusively that the positive effects of red wine are duplicated with grape juice. So no more red wine for the heart excuse!! He can drink the juice instead. Third, with the issues he is facing, and you as well, I think a therapist would be helpful. His sex drive is getting triple slammed by things that, on their own, can shrink the libido big time: 1. heart disease 2. alcoholism 3. depression. Good luck!
4 :
If he has an enlarged heart from drinking, it will kill him fairly soon if he keeps drinking. Check if his ankles are edemic (swollen). If they are, he has to quit drinking yesterday, change his diet, and take an ACE inhibitior, before his heart quits altogether.

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