Saturday, March 20, 2010

It is safe for a person with a Congenital Heart Disease to engage in Sports

It is safe for a person with a Congenital Heart Disease to engage in Sports?
Sports like Track and Soccer. The Heart disease is a VSD. a .08mm hole in one of the chambers.
Diet & Fitness - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
it's safe wiht moderation but im just a random persont hat now a lot of shit but you shuld be fine as long as you arn't outt here runing 14 km's a day and tiring your heart out see you can do anything you want to do if u put your mind to it i no some one who got in to pro wrtling wiht only one leg and that did nto stop him but if i where you id go get a a fitness test done by our docter so he can see what your heart is capble of hatding with out causr more ingery tot eh hole in yer harte i hope i help out a lil bit srry about the spelling one of my weaknesses
2 :
see your cardiologist. he will have the answer for you. if there is a chance that you can, he will go over you stem to stern to make sure everything is o.k. you wouldn't want to just get advice here, think what it would mean for your team mates and coaches, after being close friends with you if you should die, because you didn't use your head and see the doctor.

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