Wednesday, February 24, 2010

How is heart disease diagnosed

How is heart disease diagnosed?
How is heart disease diagnosed?
Heart Diseases - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
By physical verification of symptoms, ECG and Echocardiogram tests. The most common cause of heart disease is a narrowing of or blockage in the coronary arteries supplying blood to the heart muscle itself (coronary artery disease). Some heart diseases are present at birth (congenital heart disease). Other causes include: * Hypertension * Abnormal heart valve function * Abnormal heart rhythm * Weakening of the heart's pumping ability caused by infection or toxins
2 :
This Patient Guide is written for the loved ones of heart patients who are dealing with the short-term stress that comes with a test, procedure or recent diagnosis of heart disease. It explains why support is so important to a loved one with heart disease. It also offers practical strategies on how to support a loved one while also taking care of yourself.
3 :
you need to see your doctor then a heart doctor he will give you a stress test then maybe a catheraction egk test good luck sorry i cant spell im tired lol
4 :
I can tell you how I got diagnosed with heart disease. After working among smokers for about 25 years in and out of doors and breathing all that ETS my liver's ALT numbers got slightly elevated so I couldn't donate blood anymore. Then I could not walk for 5 minutes without a chest pain because I got clogged coronary arteries. I had a angiogram and angeoplasty procedure to correct the problem. My cardiologist diagnosed my condition - second hand tobacco smoke also known as environmental tobacco smoke is the cause of my heart disease and clogged arteries.
5 :
In my case, I passed out while driving to work. Crashed into a telephone pole and had a paramedic thump my chest twice. Come to find out I had a blockage of the LAD. 100% no less. I would not recommend this diagnosis it would have been a lot easier to go to a cardiologist.
6 :
A heart specialist may use the following methods to diagnose a heart disease: -CT (Computed Tomography) -MRI(Magnetic Resonance Imaging -X-Ray -Ultrasonography -etc

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