Sunday, February 28, 2010

does having heart disease cause your mid section to swell

does having heart disease cause your mid section to swell?
I've had heart disease since i was 10yrs old,had open heart surgery at that age to repair leaky value.had value replaced in 2006 with mechanical value,doing ok.I'm also diabetic, hand gout but on medication for that,I go to exercise class 3 times a week and can't seem to lose weight,,the doctor's tell me to work harder on the exercise.what can I do?
Medicine - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
First of all I am sorry to say that you had a hard young life.... But now it is time that you can control yourself. You need to try something different, the lap band or something or your life is going to be short lived. You need to push yourself harder and start are not the only one with problems and only you can decide if "you" are going to do can do it...get someone to make you do it..find a person who is going to force may hate them at first but then they will become your greatest person.....i have struggled with my weight but i always try new things and never give up trying.
2 :
There are only two ways to lose weight: 1) Use more calories than you eat. 2) Eat fewer calories than you use More exercise will accomplish Number 1. To accomplish Number 2, you MUST eat less. Depending on how you are exercising, you might be putting on muscle. That in itself is a good thing, because more muscle uses more blood sugar, which helps to control your diabetes. But if your exercise plan is not geared toward burning some fat, then you are accomplishing very little. For example, simply lifting weight does NOT burn fat. Due to your medical problems you need to be consulting with a personal trainer. This person can advise you for an exercise plan that will burn calories (thus reducing fat) while maintain your muscle strength. Your ALSO need to be consulting with a Nutritionist, who can help you build a diet that is nutritious, does not violate your Diabetic Diet guidelines, and yet lowers your caloric intake so that you lose weight.
3 :
input/output seriously.low carbs/calories
4 :
To answer the question in bold, yes, having heart disease can definately make your midsection might be ascites. I'd consult your cardiologist about increasing your exercise regimen... depending on all of the details in your particular case, changing your diet/exercise schedule or amping it up too much could be extremely detrimental. If you also have shortness of breath or find exercise induces wheezing, that may be a sign that your distended abdomen is associated with heart disease. Definately bring it up with your doctor. :)
5 :
This ebook is terrific. I followed its simple instructions and created a food plan for myself and almost immediately I began feeling better and I haven't had any gout symptoms for over a year! Source:

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