Monday, February 8, 2010

Am I going to die of heart disease

Am I going to die of heart disease?
I just read yahoo's article about type D personalities, I identify with alot of it, both of my grandfathers died of heart disease. And im not exactly the most fit person. I am quite young, so am I destined to die early? or is there still hope, and if there is, what do i need to do? Type "D" personalities were reported on by yahoo alot of good answers here, keep it up
Heart Diseases - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
No, you are not going to die of heart disease if you heed the warning and start taking better care of yoru body now. (1) Eat right; (2) Exercise; and (3) Learn to handle stress in safe, approopriate ways.
2 :
Hello there you need to go to your Dr and talk to him/her about your worries,as they are the only qualified people to help you on this,i hope all goes well for you
3 :
Only God knows. I would take steps to live a healthier lifestyle and get a physical. Other than that, you never really know, so just live, love, and be happy.
4 :
Get off the couch, or chair. Live life to the fullest as much as possible then at least when you die, you die with a smile on your face. Life is short regardless of when or how!! Cherish every moment.
5 :
That's quite a big question to answer. My opinion is that you wont. But its best to ask the people who has studied the heart for many years: Cardiologists.
6 :
Well, you did not mention what type of personality that D is. This is what I think. Try not to stress out too much on the small things in life and if you have a lot of anger in your life let it go. As for your grandfathers dying of heart disease, that depends on their age. This is something you can bring up to your doctor on your next visit and find out what he says. In the mean time. chill out and enjoy your life.
7 :
Hey if you think so, you will die soon! Never think of death! It's something that will happen to everyone at the last day of their life. So don't be crazy....... live happy.
8 :
Check your blood lipids and cholesterol and keep them down.
9 :
40% of americans die of heart disease. period. sure if you have a "type D" personality (which ive never even heard of, thought it was just A or B) you might have a very small increased risk. but anyway, by not smoking, drinking in moderation, keeping their weight reasonable and excercising a couple times a week, versus not doing those things the average peron reduces their risk of diabetes by 90%, heart disease by 70%, and cancer by 60% and add about 10 years to your life expectancy. im not making those numbers up, its something to keep in mind. but if youre young dont fret and worry about dying... youre decades off from that. dont give yourself too much stress
10 :
s what you need to do right now is live ,celebrate life remember this life by the inch is a cinch by the yard it's hard ,you can choose to live or die people are living with diseases that have taken there loved ones and they may have to same condition and choose to live with heart disease not die from it

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