Saturday, January 12, 2008

heart Disease

heart Disease?
What is the life expectancy of someone with heart disease?
Heart Diseases - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
thats too vague,depends on what it is, how advanced, how its cared for, the general health of the person ... every detail makes a difference.
2 :
It is very difficult to reply your questions without your giving full details. There are many types of heart diseases. It could turn out as a killer if not attended. A heart patient may live for even 20 to 30 years provided he takes the opinions of the doctor and have regular check ups and medication. i myself a heart patient underwent CABG surgery of 3 vessels in 1990 and have my check ups once in 6 months atleast and have medicine since then. I am very active and OK now. If you have any particular problem please mail me all the details through Yahoo and I will try to guide you. Do not worry unnecessarily. Best of luck-
3 :
Depends on the overall health, age and condition of the person and how bad the heart disease is. Often, talking with your doctor they can give advice or prescribe medication that can help. Finding out the problem early in life is the best way to prevent other future health problems and finding out early helps you adjust your life to deal with this potentially deadly problem