Monday, January 28, 2008

What kind of heart disease could possibly infected a woman at the age of 20

What kind of heart disease could possibly infected a woman at the age of 20?
I am currently writing a fiction and decided i need an actual medical explanation for the story. But i can't seem to find the information with classified causes and risks. Can you help me? It will be so much helping if you can give me some links to the information sources. What kind of heart disease could possibly infected a young woman at the age of 20 with no significant health record and family with the history of heart disease or heart problem? Thank you.
Heart Diseases - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Congenital heart disease such as Aortic stenosis, ASD, VSD, Bicuspid Aortic valve ect. they can be found later in life like your 20s. And also to develop aortic stenosis at 20 she could have had a bout with rheumatic fever as a child, or could have been born with a bicuspid aortic valve and it had progressed to aortic stenosis. Good luck
2 :
Most heart disease is completely preventable through lifestyle changes such as a vegan diet and aerobic exercise. There are some cases that are genetic in origin, but those are very rare.
3 :
A hole in the heart (atrial septal defect/ ventricular septal defect) often detected during the early twenties in some women. The heart defect remains unnoticed till that time.
4 :
Bacterial (infective) endocarditis. Note people with a defect that might not have been detected before are more prone to endocarditis... Bacterial endocarditis is an infection of either the heart valves or of the inner surface, called the endocardium, of the heart. The bacteria have to get into the bloodstream first. Most healthy hearts will not succumb to infection Once infection occurs, the bacteria continue to grow and may seriously damage the heart. Normal valves can be infected by some aggressive bacteria, especially if many bacteria are present. Risk factor Recreational drug abuse - intravenous drug use Prolonged intravenous use (? in a 3rd world country