Monday, November 28, 2011

My cat may have heart disease and has megacolon what should I do for him

My cat may have heart disease and has megacolon what should I do for him?
However he is backed up they have to remove that surgically but they cannot put him under because of his heart he is uncomfortable and I am worried because he is not eating and barely drinking and I have to wait till monday for an ultrasound on his heart
Cats - 13 Answers
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wow looks like you might need to get a new cat..
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My cat recently had to be euthenized for somewhat the same reason. I'm really sorry. I think you should just try to make him as comfortable as possible.That's what we did. It was all we could do.
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put him to sleep
7 :
Would a Kitty enema work? I hate to say it, but it sounds like kitty may need to be euthanized if he is in incurable pain. Ask the vet for advice. I know it is sad, but whatever you do, just keep his best interests in mind and you will make the right decision. Much love
8 :
call the taxidermy
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If he is in pain then i'm sorry i'd have to let him go, and i'm sure you really care for him and would'nt like to see him suffer any longer, but don't do what other people tell you! you'll have to be sure in your own mind. good luck and take care.
10 :
I'm sorry to hear about your cat. I hope the heart condition is not too serious. Megacolon can be a chronic problem. Laxatone can help cats pass feces when they are blocked. You may also have to learn the technique for manually manipulating the poop out of the cat's large intestine by squeezing his body. It takes practice but it can be done.
11 :
There are medical approaches other than surgery for the megacolon condition. They involve laxatives, psylium and cisapride. Over time, the cat develops a resistance to the medication, and the dosage has to be increased, which can lead to side effects. The older your cat is, the more viable the medication option. Good luck, as the heart disease certainly complicates matters.
12 :
do what the vet suggests ..people are too attached to a pet to be logical about severe health problems..mine had congestive heart failure..i managed to give him one more year..but he was getting very unhappy and i had trouble getting him to eat..i had decided to take him to the vet and have him put to sleep. he was so miserable..but he saved me the trouble..when i came home from the store he had died..apparently of a heart attack. if the quality of a pets life is no longer good you owe them the mercy of a quiet and painless passing. If you have a good vet he will not suggest an expensive operation, that may not prolong the life of your cat or improve his life. especially if it is an older cat. i lost one under the knife because no one realized his heart was not a normal size.
13 :
DMD Girl! I would call your vet, and not wait till Monday if he is not eating or barely drinking. The more dehydrated your cat becomes, the weaker he gets and surgical risks increase. I suspect that he needs IV fluids. If your vet does not have after hour services, call an Emergency ER. I had a 5 year old Siamese neuter who we treated for Megacolon for 3 years using the gold standard of megacolon treatment,cisapride, lactulose, laxatone and a stool softener that my vet prescribed ( over the counter), so I speak from several years of experience caretaking a kitty with this condition. The medications worked quite well, along with a high fiber diet ( the jury is out on this as there is controversy about high-vs low fiber) for a couple of years but ultimately he had to have a subtotal colectomy. Unfortunately we did not know about his underlying heart condition and he died several weeks after the surgery, although he was recovering beautifully from the surgery. I did join a Yahoo group that is devoted to megacolon. The group was supportive and very helpful with suggestions and information. I recommend that you join this group, as the condition is chronic and can be very emotionally draining for the human caretaker. I am sure that they would be able to give you lots of suggestions as the members are all dealing with the same issue. Here are some excellent resource links for Megacolon in cats. I do hope this helps and good luck with your cat. Troublesniffer Owned by cats for over 40 years

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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Are people born with a heart disease or can they develop over time

Are people born with a heart disease or can they develop over time?
And if they develop over time what usually causes them?
Heart Diseases - 3 Answers
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Nobody is born with heart disease. Few people are born with a heart condition or a heart shape abnormality, but that is different from heart disease. Heart disease develops in certain people over time and can be caused by a poor diet, lack of exercise, poor mental health and/or genetics. Essentially, heart disease can be thought of as developing a heart condition over many years, although sometimes there are ways to recover from it. If you have a healthy lifestyle, eat healthy foods and exercise regularly, your chances of getting heart disease are extremely slim.
2 :
Yeah some people are born with heart condition abnormalities and some develop heart disease conditions.
3 :
Some are born with heart disease and some developed over time. if you are born with it it is called congenital heart DISEASE(to the person who says you can not be born with heart disease) others develop it over time, it can be caused by eating habits, weight, lack of exercise and things such as that

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

If you have gum disease, what can you do to prevent heart disease

If you have gum disease, what can you do to prevent heart disease?
i have gum disease and i been reading off the internet that gum disease might be one of the things causing heart disease from fatty plaque or something like that. I brush everyday and floss, tryin to fight gum disease and use an electric toothbursh, hydrogen peroxide, to fite it, i can live with gum disease but i certainly dont want heart disease
Dental - 2 Answers
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see your dentist and get on a perio maintenance program.
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Hi! Heart disease is caused by the over-growth of bacteria. And it takes quite awhile to make that happen. Brushing, flossing and the routine you are following will prevent any issue with your heart at this time. It takes a serious infection in the mouth to cause any heart issues. Most peple that this happens to have an on going problem with severe periodontal disease and decayed rotting teeth. Sounds like to me that you are on top of things and I would not worry. Add a warm salty rinse into your routine and I think you will see pinky healthy gums in no time. ~M

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A dog with heart disease - what to expect?

A dog with heart disease - what to expect?
What efforts are there on the dog's lifespan and lifestyle? How much, roughly, does medication cost per year? Do special diets or exercise help? At the moment I do not actually own a dog with heart disease, btw.
Dogs - 2 Answers
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The same to expect with a human with heart disease.
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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Do you think i have heart disease

Do you think i have heart disease?
I am 14 years old.I get this really short sharp pain of my heart sometimes.It felt like my heart is being tightened for a few seconds.It also felt like my heart is having difficulty pumping.Is this normal or should i check for any heart-related problems that i may have?I am really worried,i am not a smoker or drinker but i am an asmathic patient.Could emotions be the cause?I can be very stressful sometimes.This pain only happens 1 to 4 times a day.But sometimes none.
Heart Diseases - 9 Answers
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Ok..listen...see a doctor if you are worried. One question to answer right now, is there a history of heart disease in your family, if yes go even quicker. Heart pain can be caused by lack of oxygen i.e. asthma. But yahoo is not the place of this type of diagnosis
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The sharp pains are nothing to worry about, if only happens once in a while. If it happens frequently, I would definitely get it checked out. Emotions can definitely be a cause. If you're really concerned, get an EKG and/or have the doc do a stress test on the treadmill.
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Go ask a doctor you cheapskate
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Being 14 I can pretty much bet the farm that its not heart disease. Stress and emotions can absolutely cause heart attack like symptoms: tightness, feeling of breathlessness, pain etc. If you get these pains while at rest I would say most likely related to stress or possibly even gas. If you get these pains after being active you may have a heart abnormality and may require medication or treatment. In any case it would be good idea to have a doctor look at you, listen to your heart, check your blood pressure, maybe even get an ekg to see how your heart is functioning. All are painless and worth it to give you some peace of mind.
5 :
It is very very unlikely that you have any heart disease at your age. You simply have not lived long enough to have caused plaque to build up to the extent that your vessels would be narrowed and cause pain, even if you were a smoker/drinker. If you are taking a daily asthma medication (broncho dilator) it could be that that is the cause of your angina (chest pain.) Your dose is probably too high. Other causes of chest pain could be that it's actually referred pain from GI (stomach) problems, esp. if this is related to stress....a good way to tell where the pain is coming from is to take a Tums or Rolaids when you get the pain----if it helps, it was your stomach and not your heart. When you say "your heart is having difficulty pumping" if you mean that it's irregular, a few coughs should make it more efficient; If it's because your circulation is poor a baby aspirin (or half an adult) is good for everyone, bec. it makes your blood thinner, which makes the work of your heart easier. (If you get too much aspirin you will know because you will bruise easily, bleed too long with a scratch, etc.) Hope this helps---
6 :
Sharp pains in the chest generally are not considered indicative of heart disease. Dull aching pain radiating from the center of the chest down the left arm, through the jaw, and sometimes even the back, with corresponding shortness of breath, profuse sweating and a feeling of pressure on the chest are symptoms of a heart attack, as well as nausea. I don't know what you mean when you say your heart if having difficulty pumping. You may be having an arrhythmia which is an irregular heartbeat. Many arrhythmia's are not serious, but some are. Your age says that your symptoms are probably not dangerous. Age is not always a factor in diagnosing heart problems. The fact that you are this concerned is cause enough to see a doctor. An echo-cardiogram can rule out any blockages. Your doctor can also listen to your heart and do an ECG to rule out an arrhythmia. See your doctor so you can stop stressing out over these things and start enjoying being 14. Good luck to you. By the way, no one should start an aspirin regime without talking to their doctor first.
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tercules I just heard you here...check this news!
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Heart disease can strike at any age. Being an asthmatic means your heart can be placed under additional stress. Being 14 is also a difficult time physically, because in addition to the stress of growing up, your body is undergoing tremendous physical changes. The odds are that the pains you are feeling are not in your heart. But it is worth discussing it with a doctor, who can do a simple stress test and get a reading on how your heart is performing. He can also check out some of the other possibilities for pain in that area. General rule - pain should not be normal, and if you are experiencing regular pain, get it checked out. Better to find out it is something small that can be treated than to hear the words, "Oh dear, if you had only come in earlier, we could have done something."
9 :
it could be non cardiac chest pain, due to tension, muscle spasm or even costochondritis

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I heard drinking Whiskey can reduce risk of heart disease; is this true

I heard drinking Whiskey can reduce risk of heart disease; is this true?
I found an article from England about it.
Beer, Wine & Spirits - 11 Answers
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wow really thats hard to belive and i have no idea if ts true
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yes it's true, but look out for your liver =/ lol.
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yes my dear of course but if u are taking it up to a limit then it will help.Not in case of children. first of all donot eat oily or junk foods when u have adrink
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If you really enjoy life and are happy you might live much longer barring accidents. if you abuse any substance you will cause stress I say yes indulge enjoy and "BE Happy"
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My doctor said one glass of red wine a day. Never heard of Whiskey.
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Actually they've found that a small serving of alcolhol once a day is good for you. Most people have a glass of red wine but a bottle of beer or one shot of the hard stuff has the same health benefits. On a funnier note,
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Pib P, Yes it does help. One or two drinks a day with a meal, between meals or right after. It's not helpful right before bed. A glass or two of wine is also helpful! Here's to good health!
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its wine that is good for the heart. whisky might kill you
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See, in the study, the people drinking Whiskey all died in a car crash or from liver failure before heart disease could set in. I would not recommend drinking Whiskey as a preventive measure for heart disease. Red Wine and Dark Beers are also good for your heart
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A small amount of alcohol a day, not just whiskey, will reduce the possibility of a stroke. Alcohol makes blood vessels dilate and therefore, reduces the possibility of a blood clot causing a stroke.
11 :
no thats wine

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Friday, November 4, 2011

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different treatment methods of heart disease

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different treatment methods of heart disease?
Any heart disease in general, just the main ways of treatment such as exercise, diet, medication, surgery, etc.
Heart Diseases - 2 Answers
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going to the best doctors in USA , really don't understand your question what heart disease you are talking about bp, chf, heart attack ,blockage etc I have Chf my treatment is lasix,coreg,etc diet no salt have pacemaker
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The way u follow the treatment does depend on how extent is your problem. If you are in the acute stage, you should follow the natural way, such as balanced diet, regular physical activities, rid from stress, etc. But if you are in the chronic stage, then only you should follow the medicaltive treatment. For further, you can visit the given site,

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

How does one get heart disease without getting overweight

How does one get heart disease without getting overweight?
From a diet? And what kind?
Heart Diseases - 2 Answers
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Heart disease can be genetic or a congenial defect like a tear. It can also be caused by smoking, amphedamines or other bad things in our bodies that don't affect our weight. Some people can eat high fat foods without a weight change. Cholesterol levels can affect the heart and may or may nor have anything to do with your diet. Extreme dieting puts a huge toll on your heart. Anorexia, bolemia, and diet pills can all cause heart disease. Basically anything that makes your heart work too hard, get scar tissue, or become enlarged causes heart disease.
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An unhealthy diet and eating too much salt. some risk factors: * individual response to stress may be a contributing factor. Some scientists have noted a relationship between coronary heart disease risk and stress in a person's life, their health behaviors and socioeconomic status. These factors may affect established risk factors. For example, people under stress may overeat, start smoking or smoke more than they otherwise would. * Drinking too much alcohol can raise blood pressure, cause heart failure and lead to stroke. It can contribute to high triglycerides, cancer and other diseases, and produce irregular heartbeats. It contributes to obesity, alcoholism, suicide and accidents. Tobacco smoke — Smokers' risk of developing coronary heart disease is 2–4 times that of nonsmokers. Cigarette smoking is a powerful independent risk factor for sudden cardiac death in patients with coronary heart disease; smokers have about twice the risk of nonsmokers. Cigarette smoking also acts with other risk factors to greatly increase the risk for coronary heart disease. People who smoke cigars or pipes seem to have a higher risk of death from coronary heart disease (and possibly stroke) but their risk isn't as great as cigarette smokers'. Exposure to other people's smoke increases the risk of heart disease even for nonsmokers. Diabetes mellitus — Diabetes seriously increases your risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Even when glucose (blood sugar) levels are under control, diabetes increases the risk of heart disease and stroke, but the risks are even greater if blood sugar is not well controlled. About three-quarters of people with diabetes die of some form of heart or blood vessel disease. Fixed risk factors - ones that you cannot alter: * A strong family history. This means if you have a father or brother who developed heart disease or a stroke before they were 55, or in a mother or sister before they were 65. * Being male. * An early menopause in women. * Age. The older you become, the more likely you are to develop atheroma. * Ethnic group. For example, people who live in the UK with ancestry from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, or Sri Lanka have an increased risk

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