Friday, December 12, 2008

What are the four major factors that are known to increase the risk of coronory heart disease

What are the four major factors that are known to increase the risk of coronory heart disease.?
What is coronary heart disease?
Heart Diseases - 4 Answers
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1 :
If you go to the link provided,you will find that there are more than 4. Mostly it is what we put into our bodies everyday that make the difference.
2 :
"Coronary" just means 'of the heart,' so usually, when people say 'coronary heart disease,' they mean coronary artery disease, or ischaemic heart disease. The heart is a muscle and it needs a blood supply to work. Coronary/ ischaemic heart disease results when the arteries, (blood vessels), supplying the heart with blood become clogged and narrowed with fatty plaques, (atheroma). This leads to not enough blood getting to the heart muscle and this can cause angina. If an artery gets blocked completely, usually due to a blood clot forming on the fatty plaque or the plaque breaking off, then no blood at all gets to part of the heart muscle and this causes a heart attack, or myocardial infarction. When this happens, part of the heart muscle dies, because it did not have any blood at all for a period of time. The main risk factors are smoking diabetes being male high blood pressure high cholesterol level advancing age family history of ischaemic heart disease I am not sure of the order of importance of these risk factors. Hope this helps. Ischaemic means not getting enough oxygen- blood is needed to carry the oxygen. Myocardial means of the heart muscle. Infarction means a complete cutting off of the blood/ oxygen supply.
3 :
There are many factors that can increase your risk of coronary heart disease. They are divided into 2 categories preventable and non-preventable. The non-preventable risk factors are being a male, heredity (having a family history of coronary heart disease) Diabetes, , Tobacco use. The preventable risk factors are uncontrolled hypertension, diabetes mellitus, high cholesterol, physical inactivity, and obesity.
4 :
diet, inactivity, genetics, and smoking...

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