Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Is there any way to reduce the risk of Heart Disease

Is there any way to reduce the risk of Heart Disease?
After Billy Mays' recent heart disease-related death, I started thinking about my OWN heart, and how I might be susceptible to heart problems later on. My dad and his dad have had multiple heart attacks each, so I've got a hereditary issue there. But is there any way to reduce the risk of heart disease? Or should I plan on dying by the time I'm 50?
Heart Diseases - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Of course there's a way. You can make yourself less susceptible to heart disease by regularly exercising and consuming less saturated fats/eating healthier.
2 :
As they say, eat healthy and exercise plenty and your heart should be fine. Unfortunately you cant get rid of the hereditary issue but you can control it and with regular cardiovascular check ups you should be set for life.
3 :
I use this blackhat forum w w w.blackhatguide.n e t
4 :
i've heard that eating healthy and exercising helps.
5 :
Prevent heart disease by diet and exercise.
6 :
There are many things you can do to reduce your risks, but statistically 50% of us are going to die of our heart disease eventually. Never,ever ever smoke! If you do stop now. Eat a healthy diet low in animal fats high on fruit,vegetables and whole grain cereals and oily fish. Take regular vigorous exercise, the minimum is 30 minutes 5 times a week. If you have a poor family history consider getting your Blood Pressure and cholesterol checked. If you cholesterol is significantly raised or indeed if you have a familial hypercholesterolaemia, ensure it is managed adequately.
7 :
My family has a terrible history of heart disease - dad died at 56 (otherwise the healthiest man on the planet), his mom at 46, my uncle has had triple bypass twice, and my aunt has had 3 heart attacks. Trust me, I am way concerned about this too. If you have a family history, speak to your doctor. Get a complete cholesterol work up and it's not a terrible idea to go ahead and get a blood pressure machine (a nice one costs about $40 or $50) and keep tabs on that too. Don't smoke, eat healthy, and exercise. Cardio workouts are the best as they help with something having to do with how your blood travels through your arteries (I'm not a technical person with medical stuff). I think one of the best diets to follow is the standard Harvard Food Pyramid - http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/what-should-you-eat/pyramid/ It's an easy diet to maintain and all around very healthy. It's smart for you to take heart disease seriously. One more thing, and this is really the most important - see your doctor regularly. My father would still be alive today if he wasn't such a dipwad. He refused to see a doctor

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