Wednesday, December 16, 2009

will they keep me in hospital if i have heart disease

will they keep me in hospital if i have heart disease?
i'm going to emergency room tomorrow to see if i have heart disease. if i do have it, will i need to stay in hospital? or they will let me out the same day? if i have to stay in hospital, how many days will i be staying? i suspect that i have a very mild heart disease, like in the early stage..... so how many days will i need to stay in hospital for treatment? money is no problem to me since i got it all covered by my insurance. the thing is... i don't want to stay in hospital for too long. i mean, i have a busy life, the most i can stay is 3-4 days..... are 4 days enough to "cure" (temporarily) a heart disease
Heart Diseases - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
heart disease is a serious thing if u do have it u will probably be in there for quite some time
2 :
ahhmm, not exactly that you will go to an emergency room, because that room is for emergency stuff only..I think you need to go to a diagnostic and lab test hospital...If you do have a heart disease, it's up to you if you'll gonna stay or not in the hospital, because youre the one who pays for your hospital stay...I think what the doctor will just say something to lessen the complications and to prevent attacks..
3 :
I am not a Doc mate and even if somebody here was one you have not explained it enough Who sent you there and were you not listening to what they said. I know from experience that often the words Tests & Hospitals make you brain dead at the time. If it was serious you would be in hospital right now. Ring the hospital or your Doctor to find out if you need an overnight bag. If they haven't told you to pack one my guess is they do not intend to keep you in overnight Good Luck Any Way
4 :
If I were you I would wait until you are examined and a doctor tells you the extent of treatment needed if any because there is nobody who can honestly or accurately answer you questions on the web

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