Friday, January 16, 2009

Heart disease

Heart disease?
Why, besides death/diagnosis statistics and low awareness, is heart disease a current health concern in 2008? I think: It's not as widely publicized as cancer and many women are unaware of their great risk.
Heart Diseases - 1 Answers
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heart disease is one of the biggest lifestyle related diseases in the world accounting for millions of deaths each year. the number one reason why it is so prevalent is our diets. A large percentage of the western population is obese. We consume too much saturated fats and too many refined carbohydrates. Heart disease is becoming an even bigger concern as we are starting to see its effects in developing countries. this is due to globalisation. Fatty, sugary foods are cheaper then healthier options. It is our personal choice as to what we eat and many people just dont care of dont have the time

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