Sunday, January 4, 2009

Is it possible to get heart disease at the age of 14

Is it possible to get heart disease at the age of 14?
once in a while i have heart/chest pains (like something's squeezing my heart). i feel it when i'm running, after i finish running, or even when i haven't exercised and i'm just sitting, reading a comes out of nowhere. i was thinking that i might have angina, but i'm not sure because the symptoms for angina are pretty similar to anemia and i have thalassemia trait. or could it be some other heart disease?
Heart Diseases - 5 Answers
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1 :
Anything is possible but very unlikely.
2 :
Could be mitral valve prolapse, your symptoms sound just like mine. I have had it since childhood. I have to take anti-biotics when I go to the dentist because of it. That is really the worst thing about it, other than the occasional little chest pains, which are rare for me now. From the Wikipedia link above: "many people with MVPS benefit from non-drug interventions, such as increased fluid and sodium intake, avoiding adrenalin-like substances found in many over-the-counter medications, avoiding caffeine, and getting regular cardiovascular exercise." Cutting caffeine really helped me. However, you should not rely on me for a diagnosis. If you have health insurance you should go to your doctor and tell them every symptom you have. EVERY one, even if you think it is not related. Cardiac diseases are complex and misdiagnosis can happen. At the very least you should have a stress test done. Good luck!
3 :
You might have MVP and/or palpitations, it is possible to have heart disease, but at your age it's not likely. However, you need to see a specialist. Have a stress test, EKG, and a cardiac ultrasound to rule out anything serious.
4 :
It is extraordinarily unlikely that you have heart disease in the sense of angina. It takes some time to collect plaques in arteries and create blockages significant enough to cause problems. That said, I have heard of very, very rare cases of people having true heart disease in their 20's. (very rare) Other problems like congenital (things you are born with) heart problems are possible however. Sometimes you are born with a malformation of the heart that goes undetected for years. The mitral valve prolapse issue is virtually a non-issue as it is a condition that requires no treatment, there is no need to have it periodically checked, most cardiologists do not recommend antibiotics with dental treatment, and there is no change in life expectancy with those who have MVP...therefore, it is mostly an interesting physical finding, without symptoms. According to the Mayo Clinic "In most people, mitral valve prolapse is harmless and doesn't require treatment or changes in lifestyle. It also doesn't shorten your life expectancy." At this point a stress test is not going to be helpful yet. The first step is a visit to your regular doctor. He/she will probably do an EKG and a physical exam. He/she may refer you for an echo-cardiogram (ultra sound of the heart). This study will demonstrate how the heart contracts, its structure, and the movement of the valves. This is a simple, noninvasive test that has high yield. By the way, there are other conditions that can cause your symptoms too. The most common is exercise induced asthma.
5 :
yeah ofcourse, even a 14 year old can get a heart disease. but in your case might not be it. there are different types of heart diseases. my brother in law had a heart surgery at the age of abt 9. i recomend you to visit this website: and i sincerely hope you will not suffer a heart disease. take care of your heart

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