Wednesday, January 28, 2009

heart disease

heart disease?
my brother was just been diagnose with heart long does people with heart disease live for
Heart Diseases - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
it all depends on the condition of the disease...
2 :
there isn't enough info here for us to tell. Depending on how advanced the disease is, if your brother is able to take meds for high blood pressure and/or high cholesterol, he could live MANY years. like 30 or 40. but i can't tell from what you told us.
3 :
just to tell you, even if doctors told him waht disease it was, dont treat it like a death sentence. . each case is specifific, even though i dont know your specific situation, i just want you to know that even if someone tell you that he had a year to live or 5 years to live. .. that doesnt matter, because it is different for each person and dont let anyone tell you there is an expiration date on someone that you love! XO
4 :
it depends on many things -- first of all, his age and general health not counting the heart problem. His weight, the amount of exercise he gets. What is the diagnosis, what kind of heart disease. I was diagnosed over seven years ago with cardiomyopathy and had only 20% of the left ventricle of my heart functioning properly. With medications it is now up to 45 %. I watch my diet, and am slowly losing weight, restrict my salt intake and walk alot. My doctor tells me I could live to be 90 or better.
5 :
Everyone is different. I had quad bipass 11yrs ago, I'm still here!
6 :
Me and you are having alot in common. I know it wasn't heart disease but 7 months ago my father had a heart attack. One doctor said his heart was so deteriorated he was not going to make it long. We went to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and the doctor there said he could perform a quaddruple bypass. They did it, he recovered, and is healthy and active as ever today. Tell him to seek second opinions, they could really help because what one doctor thinks might be wrong and what another one thinks could greatly benefit him. God bless you and him.
7 :
it is depend on your brother disease,please give more information, for example if your brother have heart failure,he could live for 5 years without any cardiac transplantation.
8 :
Like everyone said, it depends on the disease and you dont always have to die from it, but he will probably be on medication for a long time, if it is really serious.

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