I was reading http://www.understanding-heartdisease.com but i need more info...any suggestions?
Heart Diseases - 3 Answers
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1 :
There is a nobel prize winning doctor that wrote a book. His name is Dr Louis Ignarro, the book titled "NO More Heart Disease". It saved my life quite literally, you might want to pick it up and read it.
2 :
That site looks pretty comprehensive. To summarize all that is known about cardiovascular risks would take longer than a forum to answer. In short though, part of it is lifestyle. Part is heredity. Heredity will put you at higher risk no matter what. Watch blood pressure, diet, exercise, and no smoking. Those are a few things that will highly impact heart disease. You are already on the right track about educating yourself about it. Talk to your doctor to see which risk factors you have to be most concerned with.
3 :
A heart healthy diet, high in whole grains, low in fat and cholesterol. a diet low in process sugar, and keeping the carbohydrate count down. Go to nih.gov, there is a place there that will figure how many carbs you should have. Daily exercise. Taking an aspirin everyday, but do so with your doctor's knowledge. Reducing stress Checkups and blood testing according to what your doctor wants, Including cholesterol, liver and kidney testing. Being savvy about your own health. Increase your knowledge about heart disease and diabetes now. The two go hand in hand. Don't smoke Read up on vitamin and herbal and over the counter supplements. Go to nih.gov and go to medline to see what the studies say about co-Q10 and fish oil and flax and other supposed preventatives. Americans take too many vitamins! Your body gets rid of those things it does not need. We have the most expensive urine in the world! And some things can do harm if you take too much. Your doctor can advise you if you have a vitamin or mineral deficiency that requires you to take those things. Drink alcohol only in moderation, and choose healthier things to drink. Red wine has antioxidants. Beer does have some nutrition in it, so does wine. All alcohol has sugar in it, and is high in calories. Keep your weight within normal limits, and avoid that spare tire around your middle. It has a name, metabolic syndrome, and it is very unhealthy for your heart. Some people have a genetic predisposition for heart dieseas and diabetes, but you can fight that with a little knowledge, and not doing anything to add to your risk. Take the medications the doctor gives you. If you must take cholesterol meds, aspirin, diabetes meds or whatever, take them exactly as ordered.. Consider it to be a new religion, you must be faithful to them to get any value. For a sensible approach to heart care, go to the American Heart Association's website. It is the gold standard of cardiac [heart] care, the place where doctors go for information, the one the government uses. If the AHA gives you the information, it is backed by studies, and is true, at least until a new study comes along and corrects it. All cardiac health care people, from hospitals to doctors to nurses, to therapists to insurance companies use this as their standard of care. Use it, and avoid the quackery that is out there
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