Monday, June 8, 2009

Do you think that education about how to prevention Heart Disease equals prevention of it

Do you think that education about how to prevention Heart Disease equals prevention of it?
It is part of my senior project. If I educated you on how to lessen or prevent your risk of getting Heart Disease would you actually use the information and change your self to reduce those risks?
General Health Care - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It can't prevent the natural causes or genetic predispositions towards heart disease. There are things you can do to lower your risk for it.
2 :
Educating people on a subject is one thing, but MAKING people take certain actions is another. I strongly believe informing people will perhaps increase cautious actions to prevent heart disease within people, but for the two to equal I don't think its possible., In the end, people are still going to do what they want.
3 :
Education is the first step. An informed decision about life style changes or not is only possible after knowing the consquences of certain habits. So ... YES, education is prevention - EVEN when people decide afterwards not to follow your advice.
4 :
Probably not unless you implement the lifestyle modifications you teach that person. Backgroung education is needed in order to understand the pathology & complacations of heart disease, but education doesn't mean prevention for sure.
5 :
Well, probably yes I would if you are informative on the subject and tell people what,why and how heart disease occurs, and that it can happen to anyone at any age. Show statistics if you have to on the age range and the percentage of people with heart disease in these stats.
6 :
I am teetering on the fence about this one because I know alot of the information they give makes sense. I've heard them all and do practice some but my father died at the age of 55 yrs and he was the perfect person to show prevention. He ate to live ( fish, veg, fruits) didn't smoke, didn't drink, worked out 4 times a week at the local civic cent re and then on weekends walked 18 rounds of golf 2-3 times over the weekend. His weight and everything about him made me feel he should be the poster boy for prevention of heart disease and yet he just dropped in the family home while watching TV. The rest of the family before him and after have no problems so this is where I question some of these things. I had an extensive talk with the heart doctor and he told me that they have done autopsy's on newborn babies and it has shown hardening of the arteries already started. So, I do believe in education in all aspects of physical health but still question how this man we lost and yet the rest of us don't eat right as they say, a couple smoke, a couple drink and all have surpassed his age. This is where I sit on the edge of the fence because no one has been able to explain this one to me

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