Friday, June 12, 2009

What does this sentence mean? heart disease or stroke are exclusions

What does this sentence mean? heart disease or stroke are exclusions?
> Volunteers are needed for a research study looking at the effect of fats on vascular health in women. > Eligible women must be age 18-50, in good health, and overweight or carry extra weight in the midsection. > Diabetes, heart disease or stroke are exclusions. So I have a 3rd degree heart block would this mean I am not eligible of would it matter? The only symptom i have is a lower heart rate buts is not life threatening.
Heart Diseases - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I would consider 3rd degree heart block pretty serious; I'm willing to bet you would be excluded.
2 :
Exclusions means people with these conditions cannot participate in the study. You have a heart condition, not heart disease but this may still exclude you from this study. All you would need to do is call and ask them

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