Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Does anyone have information on funding issues for sex studies related to heart disease treatments

Does anyone have information on funding issues for sex studies related to heart disease treatments?
I was surprised to learn that it was only recently discovered that the digitalis based drug Digoxin actually increased women's death rates by 23%. Are comparative studies on heart disease, which usually affects women later in life, a fairly recent thing?
Gender Studies - 2 Answers
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1 :
Until recently heart disease was considered mainly an issue that effects men. However since women have been taking on male-typical lifestyles (stressful employment, drinking heavily etc) heart disease in women has shot up. My guess is that Digoxin probably works ok in men, so when women started getting more heart problems they were prescribed Digoxin too. However with more women on Digoxin it will have only recently been possible to have high enough numbers of men and women over a long enough period of time to compare the effects of this drug in men and women. So I doubt the recent evidence is about research funding - bear in mind that health problems that are specific to women generally get much better funding than male diseases e.g. breast versus prostate cancer: "A man diagnosed with prostate cancer has only one-quarter of the cash spent on research into his disease compared to the amount devoted to a woman̢۪s breast cancer... The two diseases kill similar numbers"
2 :
Research on women for any disease is a fairly recent occurrence. It had been thought that men and women would react the same to treatments, dosages, etc. research has found that not to be true. As for prostate and breast cancer disparity- women worked and raised $$ for Research into breast cancer which affects men as well. Don't tell us what we can spend our money on......The recent recommendations for prostate are not even to test men because they result in unnecessary treatment. WHY? because men die with prostate cancer not from it

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