Thursday, June 4, 2009

Do you think that education about how to prevention Heart Disease equals prevention of it

Do you think that education about how to prevention Heart Disease equals prevention of it?
It is part of my senior project. If I educated you on how to lessen or prevent your risk of getting Heart Disease would you actually use the information and chance your self to reduce those risks?
General Health Care - 2 Answers
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1 :
I am far more likely to, if I know how.
2 :
Education does not equal prevention, but it increases the likelihood of prevention. I personally would make changes to my lifestyle, I think that for the education to be more effective, it needs to also include the effects of having heart disease. we hear so often that excersize prevent it, but until people know the pain and disruptions it causes not only for the individual but for everyone they know, it will not be as effective

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