Wednesday, July 8, 2009

is there a test to check for possible heart disease

is there a test to check for possible heart disease?
Im 39 years young and I never knew my father but I have been told he had heart disease by the age of 36 he died in his 70's but had numerios heart attacks in between time. My mother who just passed was 72 had emphysema but died of a sudden heart attack. Is there a test I can have to make sure Im not carrying any bad heart cells or something and when should i get one and by what kind of doctor? Who should I talk to? I have four children I worry about there hearts now.
Heart Diseases - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
An electrocardiogram or an echocardiogram, you'd see a cardiologist, and your family doctor can refer you.
2 :
yes go onto
3 :
There are plenty of tests that doctors can do: EKG, stress test, echocardiogram, cardiac catherization, can't remember them all. If you are really concerned and the doctor has reason to believe you need the tests, by all means have them. I have been checked by my doctor doing half of these tests and I have a clean bill of health. I was concerned about my heart since my dad had to have five-way bypass seven years ago.
4 :
Yes, I'm going through them right now, because of heart problems in my family. Blood tests, xrays, ultra-sound, ekg, stress test. I'm praying for good results and I pray you have the same Good Luck!
5 :
The most simple and non invasive test would be to monitor your blood pressure on a daily basis. Another test can be an EKG or cardiac enzymes that can show any cardiac damage.
6 :
yes i to am 39 years young and i have just had several test ran to tell if i have early heart disease one is called cholesterol it plays a major roll on your heart and can cause heartattack mine was to high 256 supoose to be 180 and for early heart or suspected heart problems ask for triglycerides test, heart monitor wear for one day, and heart xray for valves in your heart also omega three or fish oil is good for your heart good luck toyou mystical
7 :
If you want to know about blockages then it is only the Angiograph.
8 :
An electrocardiogram or an echocardiogram
9 :
Yes a doctor can do a blood test to check cardiac enzyme levels and also do ecg, echo and xray and refer you to a cardiologist to follow up for gene testing if they realy thought it necessary

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