Saturday, May 1, 2010

I have heart disease and am gaining weight even though I take diaretics

I have heart disease and am gaining weight even though I take diaretics.?
I had a 5 way bypass in July and take numerous medications. I was wondering if medications for heart disease can make you swell and gain weight. I can't even lift my legs to tie my shoes. This is not normal. I don't even recognize myself any more. My Cardiologist is not worried apparently. My enternest is worried though. I need some answers before I blow up. Becky :)
Heart Diseases - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Cut down on salt. Even on diuretics, if you are ingesting too much salt you will swell. Figure up how much salt you are actually eating, b/c many people eat way too much. Also, be careful with salt substitutes b/c they can do the same if too much is ingested.
2 :
If your legs are swollen, and you have a history of a bypass, it is possible that you have congestive heart failure. I do not think it is your medications. If you are taking a diuretic (or "water pills" which makes you urinate to remove excess body fluids), then you probably need more of it. Have your internist or cardiologist do an echocardiogram and compare it to the one you had prior to your bypass. It will measure how much your ejection fraction is which is a measure of how effective your heart contractions are. If it is low, then you need medication to help your heart work. Check with your doctor. Yes, this is not normal and you might need to optimize the medications you are on.
3 :
If your swelling is that severe, and this is not normal for you, you need to be seen by a doctor soon. Perhaps the cardiologist didn't quite understand the magnitude of the problem as you described it here. See the internist first. If the internist thinks it's a problem the referral from the internist ought to make your cardiologist pay more attention. If you cardiologist continues to dismiss what could be significant health info from you, I'd say change cardiologists....
4 :
Becky, I assume you are staying home eating all day or snacking all day. DIURETICS will prevent weight gain from water retention. See your INTERNIST about a diet or a referral to a nutritionist. I'll bet you are on Coreg or similar. That drug slows the metabolism

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