Friday, May 28, 2010

How long do dogs live after being diagnosed with heart worm disease ? (After treatment

How long do dogs live after being diagnosed with heart worm disease ? (After treatment)?
We are thinking about adopting a dog who has minimal heart worm disease. (or so they say) And I was really worried about the fact that if it were to be more severe how long would the poor dog live after treatment? What types of damages can occur in the heart? And also, can it be passed on to humans?
Dogs - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If the treatment is successful, especially if the disease is mild and/or caught early, the dog can likely live out its full typical lifespan. It's not transmissible to humans.
2 :
After a treatment at this stage they generally go on to have a normal life. My family dog lived to be 15 after her treatment, and would have lived longer had she not had other health issues. Heartworms come from mosquitoes, not dogs, and while people have been known to get them, it's very, very rare. If it's really minimal , and the dog is otherwise healthy, please give him/her a good home! You won't regret it.
3 :
Dogs in the UK rarely get heart worm disease, however I watch the animal programmes on T.V. There are numerous dogs who have heart worm which is treated and cured. They have tests to prove this. Humans do not get heartworms. Love your new dog, he needs you.
4 :
Many years ago, before the preventative medication, my German Shepherd had several bouts with heartworms. But, still, she lived to age 13. So, if you catch it early and treat it, there's no problem. However, if you live where heartworms are a problem, I'd get him/her treated and put him/her on preventative meds.
5 :
We adopted a 2 y/o Border Collie in Sept. of 2000. He was heartworm + when they found him. He is now going on 10 y/o with no problems associated with the HW.
6 :
Email me, I have a report, but its in pdf and its 61 pages long... Tons of info on heartworm you need to see before you make a decision either way.,
7 :
If a dog is treated successfully and the infestation isn't too terribly severe the dog can recover to live a normal healthy life. In severe untreated infections there can be some damage to the heart. A vet would have to make the assessment if it would at all affect the dog though. With good care, the dog can still live a long happy life. Heart worms from an infected dog can not be passed to humans

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