Tuesday, May 4, 2010

if im not fat and dont have family history of it, can i still get heart disease

if im not fat and dont have family history of it, can i still get heart disease?
are there other ways to get heart disease, im thin, and have no history of heart disease, but i have eaten alot of cholesterol in my life, but not to the point of obesity; could that be enough to cause heart disease? yes but i thought the arteries were blocked by fat, so why wouldnt you have to be fat to get it?
Heart Diseases - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
sadly yes...but the chances are 1 to 789
2 :
You bet your ass you can get heart disease. It's the leading cause of male deaths in America.
3 :
yes, you can still get heart disease.
4 :
sure could. how do people that don't smoke get lung cancer? its just luck of the draw i suppose. just cuz its linked to fat people doesn't mean others can't get it.
5 :
heart disease is one of the top killers in the US. if you're that worried about it, talk to your doctor to identify any risk factors for heart disease that you might have. heart disease is more complicated and has more causes than just being overweight.
6 :
Yep. How old are you? You might want to get a cardio-vascular check-up and see how you're doing. The sooner you find out that you've got potential trouble, the sooner you can do something about it. G'Luck
7 :
Yes. Just eat Honey Nut Cheerios and stuff. They are clinically proven to lower cohlesterol.
8 :
You don't have to get fat. Its whether your arteries get damaged on the inside from smoke, chemical irritants in food, or high blood pressure, and the body then messes them up in trying to fix them. If you eat a lot of fruit, and get other antioxidants in you diet, and are a low stress person (don't excite or anger easily, or at all), you may be ok.
9 :
Cholesterol is the fat I believe you are referring to that blocks your ateries. Elevated cholesterol can be a genetic issue. Contrary to popular belief not all obese persons have an elevated cholesterol. Other factors can also lead to heart disease. Diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, diet, stress, lack of exercise etc..... If you are truly worried there are simple blood tests to detect if you are at risk

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