Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Heart Disease

Heart Disease?
I had a TIA and was sent for a TEE which revealed that I have a hole in my heart , MVP w/ regugitation and 1 othe vavle problem. My bp stays at 90/60 but drops. I pass out a lot. My dr. wants to wait for me to have another TIA before he does any kind of surgery. My quality of life is going downhill.....HELP!!!
Heart Diseases - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
What is your question? What do you want help with? Your quality of life?
2 :
I would go and see a cardiologist or another for a second opion. But having trouble breathing or becoming very tired for no reason would be a concern.
3 :
Get a different doctor and soon! A TIA is a small stroke another could be a full stroke and either way they can/do cause brain damage. I have had a valve replaced and if necessary it isn't a bad surgery overall, not to say the hole in your heart wouldn't make it more complicated, although I have a couple friends who have had holes also and no long lasting problems to my knowledge. I'd see a good cardiologist and maybe even a geneticist to see if there are other conditions that could be adding to your health issues. I had low blood pressure until the valve needed to be replaced also

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